Governor Northam's visit to the SBIO Brooks Center
December 3, 2021
As part of the newly-instituted National Forest Products Week, the Department of Sustainable Biomaterials hosted Virginia’s governor, Ralph Northam, while he visited the various laboratories available to students at the Brooks Forest Products Center. Northam and his team arrived mid-morning on Oct 21st and toured the testing labs of the Center for Packaging and Unit Load Design, as well as the Innovation and Design lab and the Wood Engineering lab. SBIO’s Drs. Laszlo Horvath, Bob Bush, Eduardo Molina, and Dan Hindman, in addition to a few of their students, all gave presentations on and in their specific labs.
The office of the president of the US released a proclamation on National Forest Products Week, 2021, which began by explaining “For thousands of years, humans have relied on forests for food, fuel, shelter, and medicine among other important uses. Today, forests support the livelihoods of people across the globe, providing jobs and an economic base for families and communities. In the United States, our forests are vital to our Nation, our people, and our economy. They provide wildlife habitat, clean air and water, and renewable materials and energy for the benefit of Americans. Forests also provide Americans countless opportunities for recreation and relaxation…” And, then continued that in order “to recognize the importance of the many products generated from our Nation’s forests, the Congress, by Public Law…” has designated the 3rd week October as National Forest Products Week. “As part of National Forest Products Week, let us rededicate ourselves to working together across the… lands to sustain the ability of America’s forests to continue to provide the multitude of benefits that will enhance our lives for generations to come.”