Design Fundamentals for Packaging I (SBIO 2984) class will be a project-oriented class. Students will become familiar with the visual language and fundamental design theories from lecture. And then, they can apply those concepts a hands-on project. The instructor will encourage not only practical application but also innovative ideas. Studies will include exercises in 2D using various materials and tools.

Wonjung Jung has taught art and design for 15 years. She wanted to be a studio artist when she majored in painting at the Seoul National University in Korea. However, after the first semester of teaching, she found being an instructor was a very rewarding experience. It was especially exciting for her to observe a student’s progress throughout the semester. Recently, she has been working as an adjunct faculty in the School of Visual Art at Virginia Tech and New River Community College. She has covered a wide range of art subjects, from Drawing I & II, Introduction to Illustration and Water Media at Tech and Graphic Design and Art History at New River Community College. She thought this range of courses could converge or interrelate with each other and often suggests a fresh perspective and inspiration. She has also published 5 children’s picture books. One of them received the Grand Prize in the Korean Christian Publisher’s Association in 2011.