Department head
Ching-Hsun Huang
Department Head and Professor
Economics of renewable energy, forest ecosystem services, carbon sequestration, optimal forest management, wildfire economics
Sailesh Adhikari
Post-doctoral associate
Hardwood lumber manufacturing, cross-laminated timber (CLTs), hardwood CLTs, life cycle analysis, lean manufacturing, biomass gasification
Matthew Baker
Collegiate Assistant Professor
Expertise: Innovation, Food Packaging, Commercialization, Sustainability
Brian Bond
Director, CNRE Leadership Institute and Professor
Expertise: Wood drying, wood processing and manufacturing, wood identification, performance of wood in use, wood flooring
Urs Buehlmann
Expertise: Manufacturing systems engineering, lean manufacturing, business benchmarking, competitive strategy, and globalization
Robert Bush
Expertise: Marketing, competitive strategy, capital budgeting and decision making, structural characteristics of the wood-based industries, more . . .
Kevin Edgar
Professor and Associate Dean, Graduate School
Expertise: Creation of drug delivery systems to meet patient needs, bioavailability enhancement, synthesis of novel polysaccharide deriv., more . . .
Charles Frazier
Expertise: Lignocellulose chemistry, biomass rheology, composite materials, and surface chemistry and adhesion
A.L. (Tom) Hammett
Expertise: International marketing and trade, non-timber forest products utilization and marketing, forest-based economic development, more . . .
Daniel Hindman
Associate Professor
Expertise: Wood building design, mechanical properties of wood, stability of wood i-joists, torsional stiffness of wood members, more . . .
Laszlo Horvath
Associate Professor
Expertise: Interactions between packaging, pallet, and material handling systems, computer modeling of the mechanical performance, more . . .
Wonjung Jung
Adjunct Instructor
Expertise: Graphic design, illustrator, and painting
Young-Teck Kim
Associate Professor
Expertise: Food packaging, development of sustainable (rigid/flexible) packaging, analytical packaging chemistry, smart packaging more . . .
Joe Loferski
Expertise: Wood engineering and structural design procedures, performance of wood and wood composites in buildings, more . . .
Eduardo Molina
Assistant Professor
Expertise: Packaging logistics, packaging design, supply chain management, continuous improvement, material handling, pallets, more . . .
Maren Roman
Expertise: Self-assembly and colloidal properties of cellulose nanocrystals, surface functionalization of cellulose nanocrystals, more . . .
Jennifer Russell
Assistant Professor
Expertise: Dynamic production-consumption systems for sustainable products and technologies, life-cycle impacts more . . .
Kiara Winans
Collegiate Assistant Professor
Expertise: Industrial ecology, life-cycle assessment, social ecology.
Paul Winistorfer
Dean, College of Natural Resources and Environment
Expertise: Densification in wood composites, wood performance in application, wood composites manufacture, testing and performance, more . . .
Audrey Zink-Sharp
Associate Department Head and Professor
Expertise: Quantitative wood anatomy, micro-mechanics, video microscopy for strain measurement, forest ecological disturbances and wood anatomy