Charles E. Frazier

230 Cheatham Hall (0323)
Blacksburg, VA
Dr. Frazier is a plant-polymer scientist, emphasizing polymers found in natural materials like wood, grasses, wheat, soybeans, nutshells, etc. His current focus is in lignin chemistry and manipulating lignin reactions during biomass processing. He is the Director of the Wood-Based Composites Center, a National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (WBC),where the industry requests fundamental research on applied topics that stimulate industrial innovation. WBC members are companies that manufacture wood-based composites, and also companies that supply chemicals and adhesives to the manufacturers. Students in his group obtain a great deal of industry exposure as they gain training in polymer science through the Macromolecules Innovation Institute (MII).
To learn more about Chip, read this article from our series One of Us.
Areas of Expertise
- Lignocellulose chemistry
- Biomass Rheology
- Composite materials
- Surface chemistry and adhesion
- Ph.D. - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, 1992
- M.S. - University of Washington, 1987
- B.S. - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, 1985
Wood Materials Science
5124 Spring 2012
Instructor: Frazier, Zink-Sharp, Bond, Loferski, Bush
Number of Students: 8
Fundamentals of Macromolecular Science and Engineering II
MACR 5016 Spring 2012
Instructor: Frazier, Riffle, Roman, McGrath, Esker, Davis, Baird
Number of Students: 15
Biomaterials and Bioenergy
4984 Spring 2012
Instructor: Frazier
Number of Students: 1
Wood Materials Science
WOOD 5124 Spring 2012
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp, Course Coordinator and Instructor, taught 4 weeks. Additional instructors: Brian Bond, Bob Bush, Chip Frazier, Joe Loferski
Number of Students: 8
Wood Materials Science
SBIO 5124 Fall 2012
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp, Brian Bond, Bob Bush, Chip Frazier, Joe Loferski
Number of Students: 4
Wood-based Composite Materials
4445 Fall 2011
Instructor: Frazier
Number of Students: 13
Wood-Based Composite Materials
4444 Fall 2010
Instructor: Frazier
Number of Students: 10
Wood-Based Composite Materials
4444 Fall 2010
Instructor: Frazier
Number of Students: 12
Special Study: Fundamentals of Wood Material Science
WOOD 5984 Fall 2008
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp, Brian Bond, Robert Bush, Charles Frazier, Daniel Hindman
Number of Students: 5
Fundamentals of Wood Materials Science
WOOD 5984 Fall 2007
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp (course coordinator), Charles Frazier, Joseph Loferski, and Robert Bush
Number of Students: 7
Macromolecular Fundamentals with Laboratory
MACR 5016 Spring 2004
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier (7%, with J. Riffle, et al.)
Number of Students: 16
Adhesive and Sealant Science
CHEM 4654 Fall 2003
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier (7% with J. Dillard, et al.)
Number of Students: 10
Macromolecular Fundamentals with Laboratory
MACR 5016 Spring 2003
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier
Number of Students: 8
Wood Adhesion and Composites
WOOD 4445 Fall 2003
Instructor: Frazier
Number of Students: 10
Adhesive and Sealant Science (7%, with J. Dillard et al.)
CHEM 4654 Fall 2002
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier
Number of Students: 10
Wood Chemistry, Products and Processes
WOOD 3434 Fall 2002
Instructor: Frazier
Number of Students: 11
Wood Adhesion and Composites
WOOD 4445 Fall 2002
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier
Number of Students: 16
Macromolecular Fundamentals with Laboratory
MACR 5016 Spring 2002
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier
Number of Students: 12
Wood Adhesion and Composites
WOOD 4445 Fall 2001
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier
Number of Students: 17
Survey of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 2514 Spring 2001
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier
Number of Students: 45
Adhesive and Sealant Science
CHEM 4654 Fall 2000
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier (7%, with J. Dillard, et al.)
Number of Students: 8
Survey of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 2514 Spring 2000
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier
Number of Students: 63
Wood Adhesion and Composites
WOOD 4445 Fall 2000
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier
Number of Students: 19
Adhesive and Sealant Science
CHEM 4654 Fall 1999
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier (7%, with J. Dillard, et al.)
Number of Students: 15
Survey of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 2514 Spring 1999
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier
Number of Students: 42
Wood Adhesives and Coatings
WOOD 4984 Fall 1999
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier
Number of Students: 31
Introduction to Renewable Natural Resources
WOOD 1114 Spring 1999
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier (50% with D. Stauffer)
Number of Students: 25
Wood-Based Composite Materials
WOOD 4544 Fall 1998
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier
Number of Students: 26
Adhesive and Sealant Science
CHEM 4654 Fall 1998
Instructor: Charles E. Frazier (7%, with J. Dillard et al.)
Number of Students: 10
- Sudip Chowdhury. 2011. Ph.D. Advancing characterization techniques for structure-property determination of in-situ lignocelluloses.
Professor(s): Frazier
- Dakai Ren. 2010. Ph.D. Moisture-Cure Polyurethane Wood Adhesives: Wood/Adhesive Interactions and Weather Durability.
Professor(s): Frazier
- Josh Hosen. 2010. M.S. Fundamental Analysis of Wood Adhesion Primers.
Professor(s): Frazier
- Jesse Paris. 2010. M.S. Carboxymethylcellulose acetate butyrate water-dispersions as renewable wood adhesives.
Professor(s): Frazier
- Darren Riedlinger. 2008. M.S. Characterization of PF Resol/Isocyanate Hybrid Adhesives.
Professor(s): Charles E. Frazier
- Sudipto Das. 2005. Ph.D. Wood/Polymeric Isocyanate Resin Interactions: Species Dependence.
Professor(s): C.E. Frazier
- Brian Liswell. 2004. M.S. Exploration of Wood DCB Specimens Using Southern Yellow Pine for Monotonic and Cyclic Loading.
Professor(s): Charles E. Frazier
- Mike Malmberg. 2003. M.S. Species Dependence of pMDI/Wood Adhesion.
Professor(s): Charles E. Frazier
- Nicole Brown. 2003. Ph.D. Understanding the Role of N-Methylolacrylamide (NMA) Distribution in Poly (Vinyl Acetate) Latex Adhesives.
Professor(s): Charles E. Frazier and Joseph R. Loferski
- Marie-P. Laborie. 2002. Ph.D. Investigation of the Wood/Phenol-Formaldehyde Adhesive Interphase Morphology.
Professor(s): Charles E. Frazier
- Jun Zheng. 2002. PhD. Studies of PF Resole/Isocyanate Hybrid Adhesives.
Professor(s): Charles E. Frazier
- Jerone Gagliano. 2001. M.S. An Improved Method for the Fracture Cleavage Testing of Adhesively-Bonded Wood.
Professor(s): Charles E. Frazier
- Robert Schmidt. 1998. Ph.D. Aspects of Wood Adhesion: Applications of 13C CP/MAS NMR and Fracture Testing.
Professor(s): Charles E. Frazier
- Jianwen Ni. 1996. Ph.D. Molecular Investigation of the Wood/pMDI Adhesive Bondline.
Professor(s): Charles E. Frazier
- Steven L. Wendler. 1994. M.S. Characterization of the Wood/Isocyanate Bondline.
Professor(s): Charles E. Frazier
- Frazier, Charles E. 2004. Forest Products: Adhesion and Adhesives. In Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences, Editors, J. Burley, J. Evans, and J. Youngquist, Elsevier Science.
- Frazier, Charles E. 2003. Isocyanate Wood Binders. In Handbook of Adhesive Technology, 2nd Edition, Editors: A. Pizzi and K. L. Mittal, Marcel Dekker, 2003.
Wood-Based Composites Center NSF REU Supplement
Investigator(s): Frazier, C.E., Caudill, L
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Amount: $14,189
October 1, 2011 - June 30, 2015
REU Site: Bioprocess engineering for sustainability
Investigator(s): PI: Justin Barone; Senior Personnel: Scott Renneckar, Charles Frazier, Mike Zhang, Ryan Senger, Percival Zhang
Sponsor: NSF
Amount: $368,461
May 1, 2012 - September 30, 2014
Aqueous GPC
Investigator(s): Edgar, K.J. (PI); Roman, M.; Renneckar, S.; Frazier, C.E. and 11 others
Sponsor: ICTAS
Amount: $136,000
March 1, 2011 - June 30, 2011
Mechanisms of Wood-Generated Formaldehyde Emission
Investigator(s): Frazier
Sponsor: National Science Foundation, I/UCRC-Fundamental
Amount: $199,450
January 15, 2011 - January 31, 2013
Collaborative Research: Wood-Based Composites Center
Investigator(s): C.E. Frazier and F.A. Kamke
Sponsor: NSF, IIP - Industry/Univerisity Cooperative Research Centers
Amount: $400,000
July 1, 2010 - July 30, 2015
Light activated bonding of lignocellulosic material
Investigator(s): Scott Renneckar and Charles Frazier
Sponsor: USDA, NIFA Competitive Grants
Amount: $503,903
Sep 1, 2010 - August 31, 2013
SEMRR: Developing Sustainable Bioenergy Feedstocks and Cellulosic Composites
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp, Chad Bolding, Carolyn Copenheaver, Kevin Edgar, Thomas R. Fox, Charles Frazier, Scott Renneckar, Maren Roman, and Shepard Zedaker
Sponsor: USDA NIFA Special Grant Program
Amount: $451,374.00
April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2012
SEMRR: Creating Advanced Cellulosic Composites and Biobased Energy Feedstocks
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp, Kevin J. Edgar, Thomas Fox, Charles Frazier, Scott Renneckar, Maren Roman, and Shepard Zedaker
Sponsor: USDA CSREES Special Grants Program
Amount: $452,159
October 1, 2009 - September 31, 2011
2009 Eastman Chemical Graduate Fellowship
Investigator(s): Charles E. Frazier, Sudip Chowdhury
Sponsor: Eastman Chemical
Amount: 6,000.00
June 8, 2009 - June 30, 2011
Collaborative Research: Wood-Based Composites Center Planning Grant
Investigator(s): Charles E. Frazier and Frederick A. Kamke
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Amount: $10,000
January 1, 2009 - January 31, 2010
SEMRR:Innovative Forest Management Linked with High Performance, Wood-Based Composites
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp, C. Copenheaver, K. Edgar, U. Egertsdotter, T. Fox, C. Frazier, S. Renneckar, M. Roman, and S. Zedaker
Sponsor: USDA CSREES McIntire-Stennis
Amount: $221,732
September 1, 2007 - August 31, 2008
Upgrade of 300 MHz Solid State NMR
Investigator(s): J. Merola, H. Dorn, B. Hanson, S. Wi, C.E. Frazier
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Amount: $278,300
02/15-06 - 01/31-09
Sustainable Engineered Materials from Renewable Resources: Design and Manufacture of High-Performance Composites
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp, Ulrika Egertsdotter, Thomas R. Fox, Charles E. Frazier, Daniel P. Hindman, Joseph R. Loferski, Philip J. Radtke, Scott Renneckar, Maren Roman, Robert L. Smith, Layne T. Watson, Shepard M. Zedaker
Sponsor: USDA/CSREES Special Research Grants
Amount: $646,954
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
Wood-Based Composites Center (WBC)
Investigator(s): C.E. Frazier, L. Caudill, et al
Sponsor: 17 corporate sponsors
Amount: $1,574,250
January 1, 1999 - August 1, 2006
Novel Rheological Tools for Xylem Structure/Property Determination
Investigator(s): C.E. Frazier, B. Goodell, J. Jellison
Amount: $400,000
September 1, 2006 - August 31, 2009
Multiphase Thermosetting Wood Adhesives
Investigator(s): C.E. Frazier
Amount: $442,000
12/04 - 1/08
Novel Isocyanate-Reactive Adhesives for Structural Wood-Based Composites
Investigator(s): C.E. Frazier
Sponsor: U.S. DOE
Amount: $479,053
Sustainable Engineered Materials from Renewable Resources
Investigator(s): A. Zink-Sharp, S. Zedaker, C.E. Frazier, et al
Sponsor: USDA Special Grant
Amount: $2,455,691
02 - 06
Novel Soybean Polymers: An Interdisciplinary Effort in Wood Science, Chemistry and Engineering
Investigator(s): C.E. Frazier, G. Wilkes, T. Long
Sponsor: Virginia Tech, ASPIRES
Amount: $81,000
Segmental Relaxations in Wood-Probe of Nanoscale Morphology
Investigator(s): Charles E. Frazier
Amount: $197,000
12/1/02 to 11/30/04
A New Equipment Package to Support Adhesion Research at Virginia Tech
Investigator(s): Charles E. Frazier, Fred A. Kamke, and Wolfgang G. Glasser
Sponsor: ASPIRES
Amount: $119,000
Polyurethanes from Soy Bean Oil
Investigator(s): Garth Wilkes, Charles E. Frazier, and T. Long
Sponsor: Urethane Soy Systems
Amount: $244,680
Understanding Wood Adhesive Durability Using HMR Coupling Agent
Investigator(s): Al Christiansen, Charles E. Frazier, and Doug Gardner
Sponsor: USDA NRI
Amount: $151,000
Wood Species Dependence of Isocyanate Cure Chemistry
Investigator(s): Charles E. Frazier
Sponsor: USDA NRI
Amount: $155,000
The Molecular Interactions Between Wood and Isocyanate Adhesives
Investigator(s): Charles E. Frazier
Sponsor: Huntsman Polyurethanes
Amount: $108,000
Soy Protein Hydrolysates to Improve the Properties of UF Wood Adhesives
Investigator(s): Charles E. Frazier and Geza Ifju
Sponsor: USDA, Southern Research Station
Amount: $39,150
Molecular Aspects of Performance in Crosslinking-PVA Wood Adhesives
Investigator(s): Charles E. Frazier
Sponsor: USDA NRI
Amount: $150,000
13C CP/MAS NMR Evaluation of pMDI Adhesives
Investigator(s): Charles E. Frazier
Sponsor: Cambridge Isotope Research Program
Amount: $1,200
Chemical, Morphological, and Molecular Dynamics Analysis of the Adhesive Bondline in Wood-Based Composites
Investigator(s): Charles E. Frazier
Sponsor: McIntire-Stennis
Amount: 0
Center for Adhesive and Sealant Science Graduate Fellowships
Investigator(s): Charles E. Frazier
Sponsor: CASS
Amount: $127,500
National Needs Fellowship in Wood-Based Composites Engineering
Investigator(s): Loferski, Joseph R., Fred A. Kamke, and Charles E. Frazier
Sponsor: USDA
Amount: $54,000
Mechanisms of Viscoelastic Thermal Compression of Wood
Investigator(s): Fred A. Kamke and Charles E. Frazier
Sponsor: USDA NRI
Amount: $129,000
Chemical and Physical Effects of pMDI Structural Isomerism on Wood Bonding
Investigator(s): Charles E. Frazier
Sponsor: USDA NRI
Amount: $114,000
Solid-State NMR and Dielectric Study of PF Resin Cure
Investigator(s): Charles E. Frazier and Fred A. Kamke
Sponsor: USDA NRI
Amount: $101,000
Chemical and Morphological Characterization of the Wood/Isocyanate Interphase
Investigator(s): C. E. Frazier
Sponsor: USDA NRI
Amount: $95,000
- Lei, H., Frazier, C.E., 2015. Curing behavior of melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF) resin adhesive. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 62, 40-44.
- Yang, X., Frazier, C.E. 2015. Organic filler surface analysis by column wicking. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 1-14.
- Yang, X., Frazier, C.E. 2015. Influence of organic fillers on rheological behavior in phenol-formaldehyde adhesives. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 66, 93-98.
- Dolan, J. A., Sathitsuksanoh, N., Rodriguez, K., Simmons, B. A., Frazier, C. E., Renneckar, S. 2015. Biocomposite adhesion without added resin: understanding the chemistry of the direct conversion of wood into adhesives. RSC Advances. 5(82), 67267-67276.
- Yang, X., Frazier, C.E. 2016. Influence of organic fillers on surface tension of phenol-formaldehyde adhesives. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 66: 160-166.
- Zhang, W., Sathitsuksanoh, N., Simmons, B., Frazier, C., Barone, J., Renneckar, S. 2016. Revealing the thermal sensitivity of lignin during glycerol thermal processing through structural analysis. RSC Advances. 6 (36), 30234-30246.
- Tasooji, M., Frazier, C.E. 2016. Simple milligram-scale extraction of formaldehyde from wood. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 4 (9) 5041–5045.
- Qian, C., Wan, G., Frazier, C. E., Baird, D. G. 2016. Isothermal crystallization of blends containing two thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers. Materials Today Communications, 9, 16-21.
- Tasooji, M., Wan, G., Lewis, G., Wise, H., Frazier, C. E. 2016. Biogenic formaldehyde: Content and heat generation in the wood of three tree species. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 5 (5), 4243–4248.
- Wan, G., Frazier C. E. 2017. Lignin acidolysis predicts formaldehyde generation in pine wood. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 5(6), 4830-4836. DOI:10.1021/Acssuschemeng.7b00264
- Lei, H., Frazier, C.E. 2015. A dynamic mechanical analysis method for predicting the curing behavior of phenol-formaldehyde resin adhesive. J. Adh. Sci. Tech 29(10):981-990.
- Ye, W., Cox, S.S., Zhao, X., Frazier, C. E., Little, J. C. 2014. Partially-irreversible sorption of formaldehyde in five polymers. Atmospheric Environment 99(0):288-297.
- Ren, D., Frazier, C.E. 2013. Structure-Property Behavior of Moisture-Cure Polyurethane Wood Adhesives: Influence of Hard Segment Content. Int. J. Adhs. Adhs. 45, 118-124.
- Ren, D., Frazier, C.E. 2013. Structure/durability Relationships in Polyurethane Wood Adhesives: Neat Films or Wood/polyurethane Composite Specimens?. Int. J. Adhs. Adhs. 45, 77-83.
- Chowdhury, S., Frazier, C.E. 2013. Thermorheological complexity and fragility in plasticized lignocellulose. Biomacromolecules. 14 (4) 1166-1173.
- Chowdhury, S., Frazier, C.E. 2012. Compressive-torsion DMA of yellow-poplar wood in organic media. Holzforschung 67(2):161-168.
- Nicoli, E., Dillard, D.A., Frazier, C.E. 2012. Effects of systematic variation of wood adherend bending stiffness on fracture properties. Part 2. Revisiting traditional DCB analysis methods. Holzforschung 66:(6) 771-779.
- Chowdhury, S., Madsen, L.A., Frazier, C.E. 2012. Probing alignment and phase behavior in intact wood cell walls using 2H NMR spectroscopy. Biomacromolecules 13(4):1043-1050.
- Ren, D., Frazier, C.E. 2012. Wood/adhesive interactions and the phase morphology of moisture-cure polyurethane wood adhesives. Int. J. Adhs. Adhs. 34(1):55-61.
- Nicoli, E., Dillard, D.A., Frazier, C.E.. 2012. Effects of systematic variation of wood adherend bending stiffness on fracture properties: Part 1. Influence of grain angle. Holzforschung 66(6):765-770.
- Horvath, B., Peralta, P., Frazier, C., Peszlen, I. 2011. Thermal softening of transgenic aspen. Bioresources 6(2):2125-2134.
- Chowdhury, S., J. Fabiyi, C.E. Frazier. 2010. Advancing the dynamic mechanical analysis of biomass: comparison of tensile-torsion and compressive torsion DMA. Holzforschung (64) 6, 747-756.
- Singh, H., Chakraborty, A., Frazier C.E., Dillard, D.A. 2010. Mixed mode fracture testing of adhesively bonded wood specimens using a dual actuator load frame. Holzforschung 64(3):353-361.
- Riedlinger, Darren A. and Charles E. Frazier. 2008. Morphological analysis of PF/pMDI hybrid wood adhesives. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 22(2008):1197-1208.
- Lopez-Suevos, F. and C.E. Frazier. 2008. Wood-adhesive interactions in a PVAc latex. Holzforschung 62(4):468-471.
- Brown, N.R. and C.E. Frazier. 2007. Cross-linking poly[(vinyl acetate)-co-N-methylolacrylamide] latex adhesive performance part I: N-methylolacrylamide (NMA) distribution. Int. J. Adhesion & Adhesives 27(7):547-553.
- Riedlinger, D.A., N. Sun, and C. E. Frazier. 2007. Tg as an index of conversion in pmdi-impregnated wood. BioResources 2(4):605-615.
- Brown, N.R., J.R. Loferski and C.E. Frazier. 2007. Cross-linking poly(vinyl acetate-co-N-methylolacrylamide) latex adhesive performance Part II: Fracture mechanics and microscopic durability studies. Int. J. Adhesion & Adhesives 27(7):554-561.
- Pechar,T. W. , S. Sohn, G. L. Wilkes, S. Ghosh, C. E. Frazier, A. Fornof, and T. E. Long. 2006. Characterization and Comparison of Polyurethane Networks Prepared Using Soybean-Based Polyols with Varying Hydroxyl Content and Their Blends with Petroleum-Based Polyols. J. Appl. Polymer Sci 101(3):1432-1443.
- Laborie M.-P., and C.E. Frazier. 2006. 13C CP/MAS NMR study of a wood/phenol-formaldehyde resin bondline. J. Mat. Sci online, (
- Lopez-Suevos, F. and C.E. Frazier. 2006. Rheology of Latex Films Bonded to Wood: Influence of Cross-linking. Holzforschung (60) 1, 47 - 52.
- Lopez-Suevos, F. and C.E. Frazier. 2006. Fracture cleavage analysis of PVAc latex adhesives: Influence of phenolic additives. Holzforschung 60(3):313-317.
- Fornof, A. R., E. Onah, S. Ghosh, C.E. Frazier, S. Sohn, G.L. Wilkes, and T.E. Long. 2006. Synthesis and characterization of triglyceride-based polyols and tack-free coatings via the air oxidation of soy oil. J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 102(1):690-697.
- Jennings, J.D., A. Zink-Sharp, C.E. Frazier, F.A. Kamke. 2006. Properties of compression densified wood. Part 2: Surface Energy. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 20(4)335-344.
- Laborie M.-P., L. Salmon and C.E. Frazier. 2006. A morphological study of the wood/phenol-formaldehyde adhesive interphase. J. Adhesion Sci. Tech 20(8):729-741,(13).
- Lopez-Suevos, F. and C.E. Frazier. 2006. The role of resol fortifiers in latex wood adhesives. Holzforschung 60(5):561-566.
- Robitaille Brown, N. and C.E. Frazier. 2005. Synthesis of Labeled Acrylamide and N-methylolacrylamide (NMA): 15N-acrylamide, 13C-NMA, 15N-NMA, and 13C,15N-NMA. J. Labeled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals (48) 14, 1031-1039.
- Jennings, J.E., A. Zink-Sharp, F.A. Kamke, C.E. Frazier. 2005. Properties of compression densified wood. Part 1: Bond performance. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 19(13-14):1249-1261.
- Sun, N. and C.E. Frazier. 2005. Probing the hydroxymethylated resorcinol coupling mechanism with stress relaxation. Wood and Fiber Science. (37) 4, 673 - 681.
- Lopez-Suevos, F. and C.E. Frazier. 2005. Parallel-plate rheology of latex films bonded to wood. Holzforschung, (59) 4, 435-440.
- Laborie, M.-P. G. ; Salmon, L. ; Frazier:, C. E.. 2004. Cooperativity analysis of the in situ lignin glass transition. Holzforschung (58) 2, 129-133.
- Zheng, J., S.C. Fox and C.E Frazier. 2004. Rheological, Wood Penetration and Fracture Performance Studies of PF/pMDI Hybrid Resins. For. Prod. J. 54 (10) 74-81.
- Gagliano, Jerone M. and Charles E. Frazier. 2001. Improvements in the Fracture Cleavage Testing of Adhesively-Bonded Wood. Wood and Fiber Sci. 33(3):377-385.
- Zhou, X. and Charles E. Frazier. 2001. Double Labeled Isocyanate Resins for the Solid-State NMR Detection of Urethane Linkages to Wood. Int. J. Adh. Adhes. 21(3):259-264.
- Sealey J.E., C.E. Frazier, G. Samaranayake, W.G. Glasser. 2000. Cellulose Derivatives. V. Synthesis and Thermal Properties of Esters with Trifluoroethoxy Acetic Acid. J. Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics (38):486-494.
- Schmidt, Robert G., Marie-P. Laborie, and Charles E. Frazier. 2000. Lab-scale Synthesis of Labeled Formaldehyde. Holzforschung 54, 98-100.
- Schmidt, Robert G. and Charles E. Frazier. 2000. Solid-State NMR Analysis of Adhesive Bondlines in Pilot Scale Flakeboards. Wood and Fiber Sci. 32(4):419-425.
- Schmidt, Robert G. and Charles E. Frazier. 2000. Cross Polarization Studies of Interphase Morphology in the Wood-pMDI Adhesive Bondline. Composite Interfaces 7(2):93-102.
- Schmidt, Robert G. and Charles E. Frazier. 1998. 13C CP/MAS NMR as a Direct Probe of the Wood-Phenol Formaldehyde Adhesive Bondline. Wood and Fiber Sci. 30(3):250-258.
- Schmidt, Robert G. and Charles E. Frazier. 1998. Network Characterization of Phenol-Formaldehyde Thermosetting Wood Adhesive. Int. J. Adh. Adhes. 18(2):139-146.
- Ni, Jim and Charles E. Frazier. 1998. On the Occurrence of Network Interpenetration in the Wood-Isocyanate Adhesive Interphase. Int. J. Adh. Adhes. 18(2):81-87.
- Ni, Jim and Charles E. Frazier. 1998. 15N CP/MAS NMR Study of the Isocyanate/Wood Adhesive Bondline, Effects of Structural Isomerism. J. Adhesion 66, 89-116.
- Wender, Steve L. and Charles E. Frazier. 1996. The Effects of Cure Temperature and Time on the Isocyanate-Wood Adhesive Bondline by 15N CP/MAS NMR. Int. J. Adh. Adhes 16(3), 179-186.
- Wendler, Steve L. and Charles E. Frazier. 1996. The Effect of Moisture Content on the Isocyanate/Wood Bondline by 15N CP/MAS NMR. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 61, 775-782.
- Toffey, A., G. Samaranayake, C.E. Frazier and W.G. Glasser. 1996. Chitin Derivatives I: Kinetics of the Heat-Induced Conversion of Chitosan to Chitin. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 60(75):.
- Frazier, C.E., S.L. Wendler* and W.G. Glasser. 1996. Long Chain Branched Celluloses by Mild Trans-Glycosidation. Carbohydrate Polymers (31):11-18.
- Ni, Jim and Charles E. Frazier. 1996. Molecular Correlations to Macroscopic Wood Performance Using CP/MAS NMR. Holzforschung 50, 327-334.
- Frazier, C.E. and W.G. Glasser. 1995. Intramolecular Effects in Cellulose Mixed Benzyl Ethers Blended with Poly( -Caprolactone). Journal of Applied Polymer Science 58(6):,1063.
- Wendler, Steve and Charles E. Frazier. 1995. The 15N CP/MAS NMR Characterization of the Isocyanate Adhesive Bondline for Cellulosic Substrates. J. Adhesion 50, 135.
- Dave, V., C.E. Frazier, and W.G. Glasser. 1993. Liquid Crystalline Phase Formation in Concentrated Tri-O- -Naphthylmethyl Cellulose Solutions. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 0(49):1671-1678.
- Glasser, W.G., V. Dave, and C.E. Frazier. 1993. Molecular Weight Distribution of (Semi-) Commercial Lignin Derivatives. Journal of Wood Chemistry & Technology 13(4):545-559.