A. L. (Tom) Hammett

230 E Cheatham
Blacksburg, VA
Dr. Hammett serves as Professor in the areas of Sustainability, Innovation, and Design. His focus is on non-timber forest products (i.e., forest botanicals, maple syrup, bamboo), specialty crops, and nature-based enterprises. Since joining Virginia Tech, he has developed research and agri-business training resources, guided international development projects, and conducted international training and education programs in 40 countries, several in Africa. His international experience has been widely recognized: as a Distance Learning Scholar at Virginia Tech, Erasmus Fellow in Germany, and Visiting Professor in Asia.
Much of his international experience has been mentoring faculty in experiential and project-centered learning practices. Having organized and taught more than 20 study abroad courses in 12 countries, Hammett mentors faculty who are organizing and teaching education abroad courses. He has authored over 50 peer-reviewed research articles, written numerous outreach and professional papers, published a book, and presented several invited lectures. He teaches courses in non-timber forest products, sustainable nature-based enterprises, and global forestry and forest products. He leads Virginia Tech's program focused on non-timber forest products (NTFPs).
Dr. Hammett’s work also focuses on improving human and institutional capacity building (HICD) especially for educational institutions’ building programs to sustain natural resources. He is well known for his capacity in building international education resources in the agriculture and natural resource sectors. Most recently Dr. Hammett served as the project director for Innovate, a global agricultural education and training capacity building program. He has also served in several leadership positions including Coordinator of International Programs and Associate Dean for Academic Programs in the College of Natural Resources and Environment.
His outreach work has included improving the local level training capacity, advising community-based enterprises, market planning for specialty crops, and offering training for improved specialty product utilization. Dr. Hammett currently has research and outreach projects focused on the utilization and marketing of NTFPs in Central Appalachia, as well as in Nepal, Africa, South and Central America. Through these projects, he has focused on developing linkages and support for educational and research programs in a wide range of agriculture and natural resource related disciplines.
Dr. Hammett moved to Virginia Tech in 1995 from the position of Research Scientist and Senior Faculty Fellow at Yale University's School of Forestry where he had served three years as the Team Leader for a project that developed the new campus for Nepal's only forestry college. While in Asia, his research and development activities focused on utilization and trade of non-timber forest products and the management of forest-based enterprises.
Dr. Hammett has authored a book on trade of forest products, and numerous articles and publications based to his work in the US and overseas. His international work has included developing a locally managed market information system for non-timber forest products in the Philippines, identifying value added opportunities for NTFPs in Asia, conducting a sustainable natural resources-based enterprise training in the Dominican Republic, and organizing training for faculty in Armenia, Abu Dhabi, Liberia, Senegal, and Uganda. He also organized the first regional training program in Asia for marketing of NTFPs.
Areas of Expertise
- Utilization and marketing of non-timber forest products (NTFPs)
- Nature-based enterprises
- Forest-based economic development
- Human and instiutional capacity development
- Ph.D. - University of Georgia
- M.S. - University of Gerogia
- B.S. - University of New Hampshire
Sustaining Human Societies and the Natural Environment
NR 3954 AND NR 5954 Spring 2011
Instructor: Hammett, A. L
Number of Students: 22
Culture, Natural Resources and Design in Ireland
WOOD 3954 AND 5954 Spring 2011
Instructor: Bush, R. J. and A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 15
Sustainable Nature-Based Enterprises (Green Business)
WOOD 3004 AND 5984 Fall 2010
Instructor: Hammett, A. L
Number of Students: 15
Principles and Practices of Agroforestry
FOR/CSES 4334 Fall 2010
Instructor: Munsell, J. and A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 18
Global Issues in Natural Resources
NR 5114 Fall 2010
Instructor: Hammett, A. L. and H. Eves
Number of Students: 23
From Ridge to Reef (on campus and in Belize)
NR 3954 AND NR 5954 Spring 2010
Instructor: Hammett, A. L., G. Stevens, R. Fell and M. Kelly
Number of Students: 12
Global Forest Resources Sustainability
WOOD/FOR 2784 & WOOD 5984 Fall 2010
Instructor: Hammett, A. L
Number of Students: 82
Global Issues in Natural Resources
NR 5114 Spring 2010
Instructor: Eves, Heather and A. L.Hammett
Number of Students: 20
International Marketing Management
MKTG 5704 Spring 2010
Instructor: Littlefield, James and A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 45
Global Issues in Sustainability
WOOD 3954 Spring 2010
Instructor: Quesada-Pineda, H. and A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 10
International Marketing Management
MKTG 5704 Spring 2009
Instructor: Littlefield, James and A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 35
Principles and Practices of Agroforestry
FOR/CSES 4334 Fall 2009
Instructor: Hammett, A. L. and John Munsell
Number of Students: 15
Global Forest Resources Sustainability
WOOD/FOR 2784 & WOOD 5984 Fall 2009
Instructor: Hammett, A. L
Number of Students: 52
International Marketing Strategies
MKT 5774 Spring 2009
Instructor: J. A. Littlefield and A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 14
Belize - Study Abroad
NR 3954 Spring 2009
Instructor: A. L. Hammett, M. Kelly, and R. Fell
Number of Students: 12
Sustainable Green Enterprises (Green Business)
WOOD 2984 Fall 2009
Instructor: Hammett, A. L
Number of Students: 10
International Marketing
MKT 5774 Spring 2008
Instructor: A. L. (Tom) Hammett and Jim Littlefield
Number of Students: 20
Sustaining Human Societies and the Natural Environment
NR 3954 AND NR 5954 Summer I 2008
Instructor: Hammett, A. L
Number of Students: 13
Global Issues in Natural Resources
NR 5114 Fall 2008
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 20
World Forestry and Forest Products
WOOD 2784 Fall 2008
Instructor: A.L. Hammett
Number of Students: 27
The Global Seminar
NR 3764/574 Spring 2008
Instructor: A. L. (Tom) Hammett and Jim McKenna
Number of Students: 8
Human Societies and Natural Resources
NR 3464/5464 Summer I 2008
Instructor: A. L. (Tom) Hammett and Bill Borrie University of Montana
Number of Students: 20
Global Issues in Natural Resources
NR 5114 Fall 2007
Instructor: A. L. (Tom) Hammett and David Trauger
Number of Students: 22
World Forestry and Forest Products
WOOD 2784 Fall 2007
Instructor: A. L. (Tom) Hammett
Number of Students: 30
Non-timber Forest Products
WOD 3114 Fall 2007
Instructor: A. L. (Tom) Hammett and Jim Chamberlain
Number of Students: 13
The Global Seminar (using distance learning)
NR 5674 Spring 2007
Instructor: Tom Hammett and James McKenna
Number of Students: 6
International Marketing
MKT 5774 Spring 2007
Instructor: A. L. Hammett (co-instructor with James Littlefield)
Number of Students: 40
Business Consulting Report Writing
SHORTCOURSE: Spring 2007
Instructor: Tom Hammett and Devi Gynwali (Kathmandu University, School of Management KUSOM, Kathmandu)
Number of Students: 25
Non-timber forest products (to VT students in Dominican Republic)
WOOD 3334 Spring 2006
Instructor: Tom Hammett
Number of Students: 12
Global Issues in Natural Resources (using distance learning)
NR 5114 Fall 2006
Instructor: A. L. Hammett and David Trauger
Number of Students: 15
The Global Seminar (using distance learning)
NR 5964 Spring 2006
Instructor: A.L. Hammett co-instructor with Jim McKenna
Number of Students: 10
Global Seminar
NR 3954/5954 Spring 2006
Instructor: A. L. Hammett and McKenna, Jim
Number of Students: 10
World Forestry and Forest Products
WOOD 2784 Fall 2006
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 22
World Forestry and Forest Products
WOOD 3784 Fall 2005
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 32
Global Issues in Natural Resources
NR 5114 Fall 2005
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 24
Non-timber Forest Products
WOOD 3334 Fall 2005
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 12
World Forestry and Forest Products
WOOD 3784 Fall 2005
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 32
Global seminar with Jim McKenna
NR 3954/5954 Spring 2005
Instructor: A. L. Hammett, McKenna, Jim
Number of Students: 8
Global Issues in Natural Resources
NR 5114 Fall 2005
Instructor: A. L. Hammett and David Trauger (co-instructor)
Number of Students: 22
Study Abroad Course in Cuba
Summer 2004
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 20
Study abroad course in Sikkim, India
NR 3954 AND 5954 Fall 2004
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 15
Skills and Approaches to International Development
NR 4404 Fall 2004
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 15
Global Issues in Natural Resources
NR 5114 Fall 2004
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 35
World Forestry and Forest Products
WOOD 3784 Fall 2004
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 35
The Global Seminar
NR 3964/5964 Spring 2004
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 12
Study Abroad
NR 3954 Summer 2004
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 13
The Global Seminar
NR 3964/5964 Spring 2003
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 6
Global Issues in Natural Resources
NR 5114 Spring 2003
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 15
World Forestry
FOR/WOOD 3784 Spring 2003
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 31
Study Abroad
NR 3954/5954 1st Summer 2003
Instructor: A. L. Hammett and B. Murphy
Number of Students: 10
World Forestry and Forest Products
WOOD/FOR 3784 Fall 2003
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 27
Skills and Approaches to International Development
NR 4404 Fall 2003
Instructor: A. L. Hammett and J. Scarpaci
Number of Students: 12
Introduction to Renewable Natural Resources
NR1114 Fall 2002
Instructor: A.L. Hammett, Phil Radtke
Number of Students: 20
Skills and Approaches to International Development
NR 4404 Fall 2002
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 12
Study Abroad
NR 3954 Summer 2002
Instructor: A. L. Hammett
Number of Students: 4
- Richard Bonsi. 2009. Ph.D. Adoption of Bamboo by Ghana's Forest Products Industry: An Investigation of Principal Exporters and Institutions.
Professor(s): A. L. Hammett
- Jason Steele. 2007. M.S. Cambodia Village Agroforestry: A Pilot Project for Sustainable Energy Resources, Income Generation, and Gender Equity.
Professor(s): Tom Hammett
- Rebecca Murray. 2007. M.S. A Needs Assessment to Identify Skills and Services Needed for Participation by Women in Small Nature-Based Enterprise Development at the Village Level.
Professor(s): Tom Hammett
- Stevens, Glen, A. L. Hammett and Rick Fell. 2009. Rainforest to Reef: Study Abroad in Belize. Engagement Matters, CNRE newsletter 1(6).
- Hammett, A. L. and Robert L. Youngs. 2004. Forests and Forest Products. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, London. 27 pages.
- Hammett, A. L. and Martha A. Murphy. 2004. Non-wood Forest Products - Seasonal Greenery . Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences, Elsevier Publishing, Ltd. United Kingdom. 6 p.
- Clausen, Robert, David Gibson, A. L. Hammett, Damas Nduwumwami, Lucretio Rebugio, and James Seyler. 2003. USAID's enduring legacy in natural forests: Landscapes, livelihoods, and governance. Volume 2: Study report. Chemonics International, Washington. 88 pages.
- Clausen, Robert, A. L. Hammett, and James Seyler. 2003. USAID's enduring legacy in natural forests: Landscapes, livelihoods, and governance. Volume 3: Focus Country Profiles. Chemonics International, Washington. 92 pages.
- Hammett, A. L. 2001. Making curriculum development responsive: Efforts to meet the changing needs in Nepal's natural resource sector. In: Forestry Education by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome. 18 p.
- Hammett A. L. 1996. Expanding export markets: Forest products from the Southern United States. Garland Publishing, Inc., New York. 216 p.
- Newman, D. H. and A. L. Hammett. 1994. Non-timber forest products market development as a means of tropical forest protection. Chapter 17 in Forest Resources and Wood-based Biomass Energy as Rural Development Assets. Winrock and Oxford & IBH Publishing, New Delhi. pp. 297-306.
Belize Education and Science Exchange Program
Investigator(s): Stevens, Glen, Robert Smith, A. L. Hammett, and Michael Kelley
Sponsor: USDA/CSREES International Science and Education (ISE)
Amount: $200,000
July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2011
Establishment of a Memorial Center of Excellence, Tribhuvan Univeristy, Institute of Forestry, Nepal
Investigator(s): Dedatta, S.K., M. Bertleson and A.L. Hammett
Sponsor: USAID
Amount: $400,000
October, 2010 - October, 2012
Grant for Developing On-Line Courses
Investigator(s): A.L. Hammett
Sponsor: Enterprise Fund
Amount: $7,400
January 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011
Developing profitable warm-season grass buffers to safeguard water quality and preserve agricultural landscapes (for biomass energy production)
Investigator(s): Inge, Thomas B., A. L. "Tom" Hammett, and Glen N. Stevens
Sponsor: Phillip Morris Corporation, Richmond, VA
Amount: $50,000
June 1, 2008 - May 30, 2010
Las Cuevas Research Station Upgrade and Distance Learning Facilities
Investigator(s): Tom Hammett, BobJones, Brian Murphy, Marcella Kelly, and Jeff Walden
Sponsor: NSF
Amount: $190,000
June 30, 2007 - July 1, 2009
BOLFOR II - Management Entity
Investigator(s): Tom Hammett
Sponsor: The Nature Conservancy
Amount: $299,952
January 9, 2004 - January 8, 2005
BOLFOR II - Management Entity
Investigator(s): Tom Hammett
Sponsor: The Nature Conservancy
Amount: $183,156
January 15, 2005 - January 16, 2006
Bolivia Sustainable Forest Management Project (BOLFOR) II, Management Entity
Investigator(s): S. K. De Datta, Michael Bertelsen, A. L. Hammett, James Johnson, and Robert L. Smith
Sponsor: The Nature Conservancy
Amount: $183,156
January 16, 2007 - January 15, 2008
Developing a Center of Excellence at the IOF (Nepal)
Investigator(s): Tom Hammett, Robert Kenny, and Mike Bertleson
Sponsor: Higher Education Development (HED)
Amount: $400,000
September 30, 2007 - September 30, 2010
Expanding Markets for Certified Products
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett and Robert L. Smith
Sponsor: Blue Ridge Forest Cooperative
Amount: $39,499.00
November 15, 2007 - November 15, 2008
Commercialization of local charcoal production
Investigator(s): Tom Hammett
Sponsor: New River Highlands Resource Conservation and Development Area
Amount: $2,200
July 9, 2006 - July 1, 2007
A Pilot Charcoal Production Enterprise in Eastern Virginia
Investigator(s): Tom Hammett
Sponsor: Tidewater Resource Conservation and Development Council
Amount: $7,260
July 9, 2006 - July 1, 2007
Biodiversity and Sustainable Forestry (BIOFOR), Natural Resources Information Clearing House
Investigator(s): Tom Hammett
Sponsor: Chemonics International Inc.,
Amount: $35,000
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
Sustainable Forestry, Bolivia
Investigator(s): S. Dedatta, B. Bertelsen, R. Smith, and T. Hammett
Sponsor: The Nature Conservancy
Amount: $57,768
3/09/05 - 12/31/05
Marketing Natural Hardwood Charcoal in Southwestern Virginia
Investigator(s): Phil Radtke, and A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: New River Highlands RC & D, Wytheville, VA
Amount: $17,270
January 1, 2005 - January 28, 2006
Manufacturing and Marketing Natural Hardwood Charcoal in Virginia
Investigator(s): A.L. Hammett
Sponsor: Virginia Department of Forestry
Amount: $3,000
January 1, 2004 - January 1, 2005
Sustainable Forest Products in Bolivia
Investigator(s): Mike Bertleson, Bob Smith, and Jim Johnson
Sponsor: NRI The Nature Conservancy
Amount: $300,000
NTFP Online course-needs assessment and production blueprint
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett and Darcy A. Mitchell
Sponsor: International Partnership for Forest Education Development Phase Grants
Amount: $20,000
3/04 to 2/05
Manufacturing and Marketing Natural Hardwood Charcoal in Virginia
Investigator(s): A.L. Hammett and Radtke, Phil
Sponsor: Virginia Department of Forestry
Amount: $22,953
January 1, 2003 - January 1, 2004
Planning grant to incorporate NTFPs in forest restoration in Madagascar
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: SANREM Project
Amount: $50,000
Planning grant incorporating NTFPs in community managment of forest resources in Asia
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: SANREM project
Amount: $50,000
Sustainable Forestry in Bolivia
Investigator(s): J. Johnson, Hammett, A. L, S. Prisley, R. Visser, and R. L. Smith
Sponsor: SECID
Amount: $125,701
Bolivia Forestry and Forest Products
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Southeast Consortium for International Development
Amount: $90,000
Establishment of a Small Business Assistance Center at Kathmandu University, School of Management
Investigator(s): C. Miller and A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: US State Department
Amount: $182,814
Natural Resources Information Center (NRIC)
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: BIOFOR task order funded by USAID through Chemonics Inc
Amount: $366,451
Manufacutinrg and Marketing Natural Hardwood Charcoal in Virginia
Investigator(s): Radtke, P. and A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Virginia Department of Forestry
Amount: $22,953
Sustainable Management in El Salvador
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Chemonics Inc
Amount: $23,765
Support for Building Sustainable Mountain Livelihoods Initiative
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: The Mountain Institute
Amount: $27,318
3/15/03 to 3/14/04
Manufacturing and Marketing Natural Charcoal in Virginia
Investigator(s): Phil Radtke and A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, VA
Amount: $22,953
9/15/03 to 9/30/04
Manufacturing and Marketing Natural Charcoal in Virginia
Investigator(s): Radtke, Phil and A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, VA (50%)
Amount: $22,953
September 15, 2003 - September 30, 2004
Forest Products in CBNRMP
Investigator(s): A.L. Hammett
Sponsor: Chemonics International
Amount: $25,299
November 1, 2002 - November 1, 2003
Novel Educational Strategies to Assess and Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Natural Resources Undergraduates
Investigator(s): Steve McMullin, Brian Murphy, Jim Parkhurst and A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA, Higher Education Challenge Grants Program
Amount: $199,923
Global POV Project - Non-timber Forest Products Enterprises
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett and Jeff Waldon
Sponsor: The Mountain Institute, Elkins, WV
Amount: $60,000
12/15/02 to 12/14/03
Educador: Biodiversity Conservation and Forest Products
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Chemonics Inc
Amount: $11,891
Ecuador Biodiversity Protection
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Chemonics, USAID
Amount: $12,086
11/30/02 to 12/01/03
Building Small Business Development Center at the Kathmandu University School of Management
Investigator(s): A.L. Hammett, C. Miller
Sponsor: U.S. State Department
Amount: $184,814
April 1, 2002 - September 30, 2007
Natural Resource Information Center
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Chemonics, USAID
Amount: $130,000
11/30/02 to 9/30/04
Forest Products in Community Based NRMP
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Chemonics International
Amount: $25,299
Increasing local/global connections
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: The Mountain Institute, Elkins, WV
Amount: $16,475
Non-Timber Forest Products Section of the Natural Forest Management Project
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: BIOFOR Task Order, funded by USAID through Chemonics Inc
Amount: $27,000
Timber and Non-Timber Forest Products Research
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Research Station, Blacksburg, VA
Amount: $55,525
An Examination of Appalachian Forest Products Exports
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, Princeton, WV
Amount: $40,508
Conversion of Recycled Pallet Boards to Value-Added Products
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Blacksburg, VA
Amount: $25,000
Non-Timber Forest Products in Reduced Impact Harvesting Schemes
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA Forest Service, Washington DC
Amount: $67,500
Customer Satisfaction Survey of Certified Forest Products Companies
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: SmartWood, Burlington, VT
Amount: $4,000
Strategic Plan for Forest Products Certification Program
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: SmartWood, Burlington, VT
Amount: $15,000
Assessment of Senegal's Non-Timber Forest Products
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USAID
Amount: $59,786
Non-Timber Forest Products Enterprise Development
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: University of Maryland
Amount: $2,000
A Special Forest Products Feasibility Study
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Appalachian Regional Commission, Washington, and Total Action Against Poverty, Roanoke
Amount: $64,000
Non-Timber Forest Products Enterprise Development
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: University of Maryland
Amount: $2,000
Assessment of Forest-Based Enterprise Development Opportunities in Buchanon County (Virginia)
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Industrial Development Authority
Amount: $2,000
Survey of Commercial Opportunities for NTFPs in Asia
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: FAO regional office in Bangkok
Amount: $5,000
Increasing Enterprise Opportunities for Non-Timber Forest Products in Asia
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA Forest Service
Amount: $2,000
Demand Driven Marketing for the 21st Century - Albanian Entrepreneurs Training in Nontimber Forest Products
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA Forest Service
Amount: $2,000
Assessment of Nature-Based Enterprise Development Opportunities in the Panama Canal Watershed
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USAID and USDA Forest Service
Amount: $43,900
Specialty Products Guide and Web
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Morgantown, WV
Amount: $37,424
Hardwood Use in China's Wood Furniture Industry
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: American Hardwood Export Council
Amount: $5,000
Production and Use of Forest Products in China
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA Forest Service
Amount: $12,000
Natural Resource-Based Educational Institutional Development: An Assessment of USAID and Forest
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA FS, International Forestry
Amount: $4,000
Forest-Based Enterprise Development Initiative
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA FS, International Forestry
Amount: $4,950
Non-Timber Forest Products in Nicaragua
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Conservation Food & Health Foundation
Amount: $10,500
Production and Utilization of Forest Products in Taiwan
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA Forest Service
Amount: $7,000
Forest Products Marketing in India
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Foreign Agriculture Service
Amount: $9,950
Survey of Production and Use of Eastern Timbers
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA FS, Forest Products Lab, Madison, WI
Amount: $25,500
The Sustainable Use of Non-traditional Forest Products in Southwestern Virginia
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Virginia Environmental Endowment
Amount: $15,000
The Sustainable Use of Non-traditional Forest Products in Southwestern Virginia
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Charles D. Englehard Foundation
Amount: $12,000
The Sustainable Use of Non-traditional Forest Products in Southwestern Virginia
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: Wallace Genetic Foundation
Amount: $12,000
Study of China's Forest Products Markets
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)
Amount: $8,000
Marketability of a Special Hard Maple Grades
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA FS, Forest Products Lab
Amount: $16,991
Modeling the Economic Feasibility of Recycling Pallet
Investigator(s): A. L. Hammett
Sponsor: USDA FS, Southern Research Station
Amount: $42,000
- Quesada-Pineda, H.J., Adams, E. and Hammett, A.L. Tom. 2011. Incorporating Experiential Teaching Methods in Sustainable Natural Resources Curriculum: A Case Study. Journal of Natural Resources & Life Sciences Education 40(2011): 1-10.
- Seidel, Dominik, Stefan Fleck, Christoph Leuschner and A. L. Hammett. 2010. Review of ground-based methods to measure the distribution of radiation and biomass in forest canopies. Annales of Forest Science 68(2):225-244.
- Hammett, A. L. (Tom), Kozma Naka and Brigitte Parsons. 2009. Changes in Appalachian hardwood lumber exporter practices, 1989-2002. Forest Products Journal 59(3): 47 -52.
- Kozma Naka, Brigitte A Parsons, and A.L. (Tom) Hammett. 2009. Hardwood lumber industry in the Appalachian region: Focus on exports. The Forestry Chronicle 81(1):75-81.
- Hammett, A.L. (Tom), Jim Chamberlain, and Matt Winn. 2009. Finding Effective Ways to Provide Knowledge to Forest Managers about Non-timber Forest Products: A Case-study of Distance Learning Approaches. Southern Research Station, Asheville, NC. GTR SRS-116 May, pp. 215-222.
- Chamberlain, James, Matt Winn, and A.L. (Tom) Hammett. 2009. Connecting Non-timber forest products stakeholders to Information and Knowledge: A case-study of Internet Websites. Southern Research Station, Asheville, NC. GTR SRS-116 May, pp. 87-94.
- Bonsi, Richard, A. L. Hammett, and Bob Smith. 2008. Eco-labels and International Trade: Problems and Solutions. Journal of World Trade 42(3):407-432.
- Bonsi, Richard, D. R. Gnyawali and A. L. Hammett. 2008. Achieving sustained competitive advantage in the forest products firm: The importance of the resource-based view (RBV). Journal of Forest Products Business Research. Volume 5, Article No. 3 (Online peer reviewed journal: www.forestprod.org/jfpbr-online.html) 5(3):1-1.
- Rechlin, M., W. Burch, A. L. Hammett, and B. Subedi. 2007. Lal Salam and Hario Ban: The effects of the Maoist Insurgency on Community Forestry in Nepal. Forests, Trees, and Livelihoods, Volume 17:245-253.
- Barany, M. E., A. L. Hammett, K. Stadler and E. Kegni. 2004. Non-timber forest products in the food security and nutrition of smallholder households afflicted by HIV/AIDS in sub-saharan Africa. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 14:3-18.
- McCrary, Jeffrey, Laura J. Shillington, Raymunda Santana, A. L. Hammett, and Jaime Riviere. 2004. Participacion de los productos no maderables del bosque en la economia formal: Un estudio de caso. Encuentro 69:58-68.
- Haas, C. A., D. Wm. Smith, S. M. Zedaker, T. R. Fox, R. H. Jones, and A. L. Hammett. 2003. Alternative silvicultural practices in Appalachian forest ecosystems: implications for diversity, resilience, and commercial production. In Moore, S. and R. Bardon, eds. Enhancing the Southern Appalachian Forest Resource Symposium Proceedings, [CD-ROM] Hendersonville, NC, 2-3 October 2003. North Carolina State University. (Also available at: http://www.ncsu.edu/feop/symposium/proceedings_2003) .
- Barany, M. E., A. L. Hammett, R. R. B. Leakey, and K. Moore. 2003. Income generating opportunities for smallholders affected by HIV/AIDS: Linking agro-econlogical change and non-timber forest product markets. Journal of Management Studies 39(4):26-39.
- Barany, M. E., A. L. Hammett and P. A. Araman. 2003. Lesser-used species of Bolivia and their relevance to sustainable forest management. Forest Products Journal 53(7/8):28-33.
- Barany, Marc, A. L. Hammett, and Phil Araman. 2003. Lesser used wood species of Bolivia and their relevance to sustainable forest management. Forest Products Journal 53 (7/8): 1-6.
- Hager, E. Bradley., A. L. Hammett, and Philip A. Araman. 2003. PROACT User's Guide: How to Use the Pallet Recovery Opportunity Analysis Computer Tool. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report, SRS-69 Southern Research Station, Asheville, NC 40 p.
- Chamberlain, Jim, R.J. Bush, A. L. Hammett, and P.A. Araman. 2002. Eastern national forests: Managing non-timber forest products. Journal of Forestry 100(1): 8-14.
- Sene, A., A. L. Hammett, and Keith Moore. 2002. Non-timber forest products in Senegal. Journal of Tropical Forest Products 8(1): 1-13.
- Naka, Kozma, A. L. Hammett, and William B. Stuart. 2002. Approaches to reforestation in Albania: An examination of policy options. Forestry 75(3): 285-292.
- Barany, M., A. L. Hammett, B. R. Murphy, and J. McCrary. 2002. Resource use and management of selected Nicaraguan protected areas: A Case Study from the Pacific Region. Natural Areas Journal 22(1): 61-69.
- Barany, Marc, A.L. Hammett, Brian Murphy, and Jeffrey McCrary. 2002. Resource use and management of selected Nicaraguan protected areas: A case study from the Pacific region. Natural Areas Journal 22(1):61-69.
- Yoder, Bill and A. L. Hammett. 2002. Assets underfoot: Collecting and selling forest tree and shrub seeds. Journal of Forestry 100(4):5.
- W. R. Rechlin, A. L. Hammett, W. R. Burch, and Yajie Song. 2002. . Sharing the wealth: A comparative study of the distribution of benefits from community forest management in southern China and Nepal. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 15(2): 1-23.
- Hammett, A. L. and R. L. Youngs. 2002. Innovative forest products and processes: Meeting growing demand. Journal of Forestry 100(4): 6-11.
- Chamberlain, James, Robert J. Bush, A.L. Hammett, and Philip A. Araman. 2002. Eastern national forests: Managing non-timber forest products. Journal of Forestry 100(1):8-14.
- Sene, Abdou, A.L. Hammett and Keith Moore. 2002. Non-timber forest products in Senegal. Journal of Tropical Forest Products 8(1):1-13.
- Rechlin, Michael, A.L. Hammett, William R. Burch and Yajie Song. 2002. Sharing the wealth: A comparative study of the distribution of benefits from community forest management in southern China and Nepal. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 15(2):1-23.
- Naka, Kozma, A.L. Hammett and William B. Stuart. 2002. Approaches to reforestation in Albania: An examination of policy options. Forestry 75(3):285-292.
- Parsons, Brigitte A., Michael J. Mortimer, and A. L. Hammett. 2002. Land Access for Growing and Foraging Non-Timber Forest Products. Wood Science and Forest Products. Publication #420-131 Virginia Tech Extension 10 pages.
- Sharma, Mahadev and A. L. Hammett. 2001. Making Forest Projects Sustainable: Optimal Harvesting plan for the Sagarnath Plantation in Nepal. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 14(2+3): 129-145.
- Barany, Marc, A.L. Hammett, Abdou Sene, and Beyhan Amichev. 2001. Non-Timber Forest Benefits and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Forestry 99(12): 36-41.
- Bull, G., S. Nilsson, J. Williams, E. Rametsteiner, A. L. Hammett, and W. Mabee. 2001. Wood procurement policy: An analysis of critical issues and stakeholders. Forestry Chronicle 77(2): 325-340.
- Hammett, A. L., Xiufang Sun, and Marc Barany. 2001. China's forestry and forest products industry under transition. Journal of Forestry 99(7): 4-10.
- Youngs, Robert L. and A. L. Hammett. 2001. Diversity, Productivity, Profitability, Sustainability, and the Tao of Underutilized Species. Forest Products Journal 51(1): 29-35.
- Jackson, Gerry, A. L. Hammett, and James Howard. 2001. Use and Production of Solid Sawn Timbers in the United States. Forest Products Journal 51(7/8): 23-28.
- Barany, M., A. L. Hammett, L. Shillington, and B. R. Murphy. 2001. The role of private wildlife reserves in Nicaragua's emerging ecotourism industry. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 9(2): 95-110.
- Naka, Kozma, A. L. Hammett, and William B. Stuart. 2000. Use, tenure, and transfer of forest and pasture land in Albania. Forest Policy and Economics (1): 153-163.
- Naka, Kozma, A. L. Hammett, and William B. Stuart. 2000. Forest certification policy: stakeholders, markets, and effects. Local Environment 5(4): 475-481.
- Newman, James, A. L. Hammett, and M. E. Barany. 2000. Nicaraguan Non-timber Forest Products: Opportunities for Broadening Traditional Timber Based Management System and Household Income Generation. International Journal of Forest Userfruct (community resource use) Management 1(1&2): 38-44.
- Greene, S. M., A. L. Hammett, and S. Kant. 2000. Non-timber forest products marketing systems and market players in Southwest Virginia: Crafts, Medicinal and Herbal, and Specialty Wood Products. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 11(3): 19-39.
- Naka, Kozma, A. L. Hammett, and William B. Stuart. 2000. Institutional reform in Albania: Making forest-based policies work. Journal of Forestry 98(4): 38-42.
- Hammett, A. L., R. L. Youngs, X. Sun and M. Chandra. 2000. Non-wood fiber as an alternative to wood fiber in China's pulp and paper industry. Holzforschung (International Journal of the Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Wood) 2(55): 219-224.
- Naka, Kozma, A. L. Hammett, and William B. Stuart. 2000. Constraints and opportunities to forest policy implementation in Albania. Forest Policy and Economics 1(2):153-163.
- Youngs, Robert L. and A. L. Hammett. 2000. Processing underutilized timber species: Boon or bane? - Diversity, productivity, profitability, and the Tao of underutilized species. Forest Products Journal 50(11/12): 1-12.
- Sun, Xiufang and A. L. Hammett. 1999. Chinese furniture industry: Its development and wood use. Forest Products Journal 49(10): 31-35.
- Sun, Xiufang and A. L. Hammett. 1999. Hardwood use in China's furniture industry. Forest Products Journal 49(11/12): 51-59.
- Chamberlain, Jim, Robert Bush, and A. L. Hammett. 1999. Non-timber forest products: The other forest products. Forest Products Journal 49(10): 10-19.
- Hammett, A. L., J. McCrary, and G. Bauer. 1999. Forest products in Nicaragua: A case study of forest-based enterprises. Forest Products Journal 49(6): 8-14.
- Smith, Robert, Delton Alderman, and A. L. Hammett. 1998. Evaluating forest-based economic development training needs in Virginia. Forest Products Journal 49(4): 19-23.
- Messerschmidt, D. A. and A. L. Hammett. 1998. Local knowledge of alternative forest resources: Its relevance for resource management and economic development. Journal for Sustainable Forestry 7(1/2): 21-55.
- Smith, R. L., R. J. Bush, and A. L. Hammett. 1998. Evaluating the Subject Needs for a Wood Science Program. Wood and Fiber Science 30(1): 105-112.
- Messerschmidt, D. A. and A. L. Hammett. 1993. Indigenous knowledge of alternative forest resources (AFRs) extraction and marketing: significance for community forestry planning and management. Banko Janakari 4(1): 32-36.
- Hammett, A. L. and Christopher DeForest. 1993. Southern hardwood lumber exporters: Practices and problems. Forest Products Journal 43(3): 9-14.
- Hammett, A. L., Frederick W. Cubbage, and William G. Luppold. 1992. A logistical regression model of southern hardwood lumber export success. Wood and Fiber Science 24(3): 315-329.
- Hammett, A. L., Frederick W. Cubbage, and William G. Luppold. 1991. Southern Appalachian hardwood lumber manufacturers: characteristics of exporters and nonexporters. Forest Products Journal 41(7/8): 70-76.
- Hammett, A. L. and Kevin T. McNamara. 1991. Shifts in southern wood products exports, 1980-1988. Forest Products Journal 41(2): 68-72.
- Hammett, A. L. and K. T. McNamara. 1989. Trade liberalization and USA lumber exports, 1982-1986. Journal of Agribusiness 7(1): 56-61.
- Chen, Nen-Jing, Glenn C. W. Ames, and A. Lawton Hammett. 1988. Implications of a tariff on imported Canadian softwood lumber. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 36(1): 69-81.
- Arjyal, S. B. and A. L. Hammett. 1977. Studies on the control of Sooty Blotch of apple at Daman. Nepalese Journal of Agriculture Volume 12. p. 43-46.
- Arjyal, S. B. and A. L. Hammett. 1977. Control of Sooty Blotch, 1976. (Daman, Nepal). American Phytopathological Society, Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 32(1): 5.
Chamberlain, James L. and A.L. Hammett. 2002. Non-timber forest products: alternatives for landowners. Forest Landowner 61(2):16-18.