Joseph R. Loferski

1650 Research Center Drive
Blacksburg, VA
Areas of Expertise
- Wood Engineering and Structural Design Procedures
- Performance of Wood and Wood Composites in Buildings
- Moisture Problems and Wood Deterioration in Buildings
- Wood Flooring
- Fasteners and Connections
- Product Design and Development
- Preservation of Historic Wood Buildings
- Ph.D. – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1985
- M.S. – Oregon State University, 1980
- B.S. – Colorado State University, 1977
Wood Identification in Modern and Historic Buildings
WOOD 4984 Spring 2013
Instructor: Brian Bond and Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 6
Wood Materials Science
5124 Fall 2013
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp, Joseph Loferski, Scott Renneckar, and Maren Roman
Number of Students: 11
Study Abroad: Global Issues in Sustainability in Costa Rica (5.67/6.0 SPOT student evaluation)
WOOD 3954 Spring 2012
Instructor: Henry Quesada and Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 10
Wood Performance in Building Construction (5.75/6.0 SPOT overall student evaluation)
WOOD 474 Spring 2012
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 8
Introduction to Wood Science (5.72/6.0 SPOT overall student evaluation)
WOOD 1234 Spring 2012
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 30
Wood Identification in Historic Buildings (6.0/6.0 SPOT student evaluations)
WOOD 4984 Spring 2012
Instructor: Joseph Loferski and Brian Bond
Number of Students: 3
Wood Materials Science
WOOD 5124 Spring 2012
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp, Course Coordinator and Instructor, taught 4 weeks. Additional instructors: Brian Bond, Bob Bush, Chip Frazier, Joe Loferski
Number of Students: 8
Wood Materials Science
SBIO 5124 Fall 2012
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp, Brian Bond, Bob Bush, Chip Frazier, Joe Loferski
Number of Students: 4
Design of Wood Structures
4984 Fall 2011
Instructor: Dan Hindman and Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 1
SS: Design of Wood Structures
4984 Spring 2011
Instructor: Dan Hindman and Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 8
Wood Identification in Historic and Modern Wood Buildings
WOOD 4984 Spring 2011
Instructor: Brian Bond and Joeseph Loferski
Number of Students: 6
Introduction to Wood Science
WOOD 1234 Spring 2011
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 22
Independent Study on Fine Woodworking Techniques and Practices
WOOD 4974 Summer 2011
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 1
Wood Performance in Wood Construction
WOOD 4714 Spring 2011
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 16
Design of Wood Structures
WOOD 4984 Fall 2010
Instructor: Joseph Loferski and Daniel Hindman
Number of Students: 9
Wood Performance in Building Construction
WOOD 4714 Spring 2010
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 3
Introduction to Wood Science and Forest Products
WOOD 1234 Spring 2010
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 31
Wood Performance in Building Construction
WOOD 4714 Spring 2009
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 8
Introduction to Wood Science
WOOD 1234 Spring 2009
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 18
Introduction to Wood Science and Forest Products
WOOD 1234 Spring 2008
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 23
Wood Performance in Building Construction
WOOD 4714 Spring 2008
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 22
Independent Study - Efficiency in Wood Construction
WOOD 5974 Spring 2008
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 1
Introduction to Wood Science
WOOD 1234 Spring 2007
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 24
Fundamentals of Wood Materials Science
WOOD 5984 Fall 2007
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp (course coordinator), Charles Frazier, Joseph Loferski, and Robert Bush
Number of Students: 7
Introduction to Wood Science
WOOD 1234 Spring 2006
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 23
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood
WOOD 5314 Fall 2006
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 5
Wood Performance in Building Construction
WOOD 4714 Spring 2006
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 11
Introduction to Wood Science
WOOD 1234 Fall 2006
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 5
Introduction to Wood Science
WOOD 1234 Spring 2005
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 24
Phyisical and Mechanical Properties of Wood
WOOD 5314 Fall 2005
Instructor: Joseph Loferski and Jim Fuller
Number of Students: 8
Wood Performance in Building Construction
WOOD 4714 Spring 2005
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 13
Introduction to Renewable Natural Resources
FIW/FOR/WOOD 1114 Fall 2004
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 6
Wood Peformance in Building Construction
WOOD 4714 Fall 2004
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 13
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood
WOOD 5314 Fall 2004
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 6
Special Topics in Wood Building Science
WOOD 5984 Spring 2004
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 3
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood
WOOD 5314 Fall 2004
Instructor: Joseph Loferski and Fred Kamke
Number of Students: 7
Physical and Mechanical properties of Wood
WOOD 5314 Fall 2004
Instructor: Joseph Loferski and Fred Kamke
Number of Students: 8
Wood Performance in Building Construction
WOOD 4714 Spring 2003
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 14
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood
WOOD 5314 Fall 2003
Instructor: Joseph Loferski and Fred Kamke
Number of Students: 6
Mechanical Properties of Wood
WOOD 4316 Spring 2003
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 8
Mechanical Properties of Wood II.
WOOD 4316. Spring 2003
Instructor: Joseph Loferski
Number of Students: 7
Mechanical and Physical Properties of Wood
WOOD 5314 Fall 2002
Instructor: Joseph Loferski and Fred Kamke
Number of Students: 5
- Yoo, Jiyoun. 2011. Ph.D. Modeling Compressive Stress Distributions at the Interface Between a Pallet Deck and Distribution Packaging.
Professor(s): Joseph Loferski and Marshall White
- Bouldin, Jr., John C. 2011. Ph.D. Methodology for the Visual Inspection of Selected Engineered Wood Components, Connectors for Prescriptive Non-Compliance at the Pre-Drywall Stage of Residential Construction.
Professor(s): Joseph Loferski and Daniel Hindman
- Braden White. 2008. M.S. Measurement of wood pallet performance subjected to uniform loading in racked, fork tine, and floor stacked support conditions.
Professor(s): Joseph Loferski
- Dustin Albright. 2006. M.S. The Effects of Bolt Spacing on the Performance of Single-Shear Timber Connections Under Reverse-Cyclic Loading.
Professor(s): Joseph Loferski and Thomas Cousins
- Byan Mosher. 2005. Master of Science in Eng. Sci. and Mechanics. Failure Prediction of Adhesively Bonded Hardboard Doorskin Joints.
Professor(s): Joseph Loferski and Surot Thangjitham
- Jeffrey S. Smith. 2004. M.S. An Investigation of Nailed Connection Performance in a Cyclic Humidity Environment.
Professor(s): Joseph Loferski and Fred Kamke
- Mary A. Billings. 2004. M.S. Investigation of the Effects of Spacing between Bolts in a Row in a Single Shear Timber Connection Subjected to Reversed Cyclic Loading.
Professor(s): Joseph Loferski and Sam Easterling
- Jason V. Smart. 2003. M.S. Investigation of Capacity Design for Bolted and Nailed Connections.
Professor(s): James Dolan and Joseph Loferski
- Danny Bredel. 2003. M.S. Performance Capabilities of Light-Frame Shear Walls Sheathed With Long OSB Panels.
Professor(s): James Dolan (Loferski advised during Dr. Dolan's absense)
- Nicole Brown. 2003. Ph.D. Understanding the Role of N-Methylolacrylamide (NMA) Distribution in Poly (Vinyl Acetate) Latex Adhesives.
Professor(s): Charles Frazier and Joseph Loferski
- Adam Toothman. 2003. M.S. Monotonic and Cyclic Performance of Light-Frame Shear Walls and Various Seathing Materials.
Professor(s): James Dolan (Dr. Loferski advised during Dr. Dolan's absense)
- Keith Bretzfield. 2003. MS Thesis.
Professor(s): Frank Woeste
- Woeste, F. E. and J. R. Loferski. 2020. Ledger strips and the code. Journal of Light Construction, Code’s Eye View, November /December, pp. 33-36.
- Woeste, F. E., J. R. Loferski and B. A. Barker. 2019. Coastal decks: Red rust on decks Is a safety warning. ICC BSJWeekly, September 12th.
- Loferski J. R., J. Showalter, and J. C. Bouldin. 2016. Development and implementation of prescriptive provisions for the construction of residential decks in the USA. Accepted. In-press world conference on timber engineering. Vienna, Austria.
- Loferski, J.R. and F. E. Woeste. 2016. Structural safety of wood decks and deck guards. The construction specifier.
- Loferski, J.R., 2015. Light-frame building construction with 2 by 4 lumber-the “new” old building system of American housing. Conf. Proceedings International Holzbau-forum IHF 2. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Pp7.
- Beagley, K., J. R. Loferski, D. P. Hindman, and J. C. Bouldin. 2014. Investigation of hardwood cross-laminated timber design. Proc. World conf. On timber engineering, Quebec, Canada. Pp8.
- Loferski, J. R., F. E. Woeste. 2013. Structural safety of wood decks and deck guardrails. The construction specifier. Nov. Pp88-94.
- Loferski, J. R., J. C. Bouldin, and D. P. Hindman. 2013. Development of a methodology for the visual inspection of engineered wood products and metal hangers in residential construction. Advanced materials research, vol. 778. Published by Trans Tech Publications. Available online:
- Loferski, J. R. 2011. Report. Dimensional stability and moisture content changes of Virtu Flooring, 200 N. Route 303, West Nyack, NY 10994.
- Loferski, J. R. and J. C. Bouldin. 2011. Report. Eastman Chemical user guidelines project for perennial acetylated wood, pp. 18, Report to Eastman Chemical Co., Kingsport, Tennessee.
- Loferski, J. R. and J. C. Bouldin. 2010. Report on thru-lok pull through resistance and head-lok shear resistance in pressure preservative treated southern pine. Report to OMG, Inc., Agawam, MA, pp 27.
- Loferski, J. R. and F. E. Woeste. 2010. Systems based approach to improving the safety of residential wood decks and deck guardrails”. Proc. World Conf. on Timber Engineering. Italy. Pp 139-147.
- Loferski, J. R and F. E. Woeste. 2007. Residential deck and balcony safety: design and testing of residential guardrails. World conference on timber engineering, August. Pp. 8.
- Loferski, J. R., D. Albright, and F. E. Woeste. 2007. Tested guardrail post connections for residential decks. Structure magazine, July, pp. 55-59.
- Woeste, F. E. and J. R. Loferski. 2004. Pressure treated lumber: Know what you are buying. Professional Deck Builder, vol. 3 no. 6 pp10-14.
- Woeste, F. E. and J. R. Loferski. 2004. PPT lumber: Know what you are buying. Professional Deck Builder. Vol. 3, No. 6 pp10-14.
- Loferski, J. R. and F. E. Woeste. 2004. The safety of exterior wood decks on residential buildings. The World Conference on Timber Engineering in Lahti, Finland, June. Pp 195-200.
- Anderson, C., J. R. Loferski, and F. E. Woeste. 2003. Detecting early wood decay. ICBO Building Standards. July/August.
- Loferski, J. R. 2003. Evaluation of timbers in the Anderson Forge Blacksmith Shop at Colonial Williamsburg in Williamsburg, Virginia. Report to Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. Pp35.
- Anderson, C., F. E. Woeste, and J. R. Loferski. 2003. Manual for the inspection of residential decks and balconies. Publisher: Forest Products Society and International Code Council. Publication No. 7243, ISBN 0-892529-34-3. pp 76.
- Anderson, C., F. E. Woeste and J. R. Loferski. 2003. Manual for the inspection of residential wood decks and balconies. Forest Products Society and International Code Congress.
- Smart, J. V., F. E. Woeste, and J. R. Loferski. 2003. Potential thermal degradation of attic framing and wood sheathing. ASCE. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction. November. pp 6.
- Anderson, C., F. E. Woeste, and J. R. Loferski. 2003. Practical Engineering: Attaching Ledgers. Journal of Light construction. Vol. 21, No. 11. pp81-87.
- Dolan, J. D., J. R. Loferski, and J. A. Smart. 2002. Monotonic displacement tests of single shear laterally loaded connection in gypsum wallboard, fiberboard, and hardboard.
- Loferski, J. R. 2002. Historic log buildings. Virginia Forests, Vol. LVII No. 4, Winter. Pp.17-19.
- Dolan, J. D., G. T. Anderson, C. P. Heine, and J. R. Loferski. 2002. Strength-based group action factors for multiple-bolt connections. Abstract in proceedings of the world conference on timber engineering, Shah Alam, Malaysia, August 12-15.
- Dolan, J. D., T. G. Anderson, C. P. Heine, and J. R. Loferski. 2002. Stochastic and numerical modeling of the dynamic response of multiple-joints in timber. Abstract in proceedings of the world conference on timber engineering, Shah Alam, Malaysia, August.
Loferski, J. R. and V. Kochkin. 2000. Development of mechanically laminated treated wood slip piling. Report to Wood Preservers, Inc. Warsaw, VA. 16 pp.
- Loferski, J. R. 2000. Strength and stiffness of dowell connections. Report to John G. Waite Associates. Albany, NY. 17 pp.
Loferski, J. R. and R. T. Platt. 1999. Development of a novel nail plate connector for ready-to-assemble wood structures. Structural engineering in the 21st Century. Proc. ASCE Structures Congress, New Orleans, LA. Editors: R. Avent and M. Alawady. Pp 630-634.
- Loferski, J. R. 1998. The shear modulus and torsional strength of Parallam™, Timberstrand™ and Microllam™. Report to trusjoist macmillan inc. Of Boise, ID. Pp22.
- Loferski, J. R. 1998. Comparison of the performance of sub-floor products subjected to moisture cycling. Report submitted to J. M. Huber Corp in Commerce, GA, pp 18.
- Loferski, J. R., M. S. White, J. W. Clarke, and H. Sosa. 1995. Red alder pallets: optimizing the performance of mechanical connections and pallets. Western hardwoods value added research and demonstration program. Edited by green. Published by the USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. Pp 5-10.
- Stern, E.G., J. R. Loferski, and R. T. Platt. 1995. Moment resistant bolted connections of structural steel members. Significant research on structural wood constructions. International workshop cib/18a/tg6 working commission on timber structures. Delft, The Netherlands. May, Pp163-166.
- Platt, R. T. and J. R. Loferski. 1995. Preliminary examination of a nail-plate connector for a ready-to-assemble housing system significant research on structural wood constructions. International workshop cib/18a/tg6 working commission on timber structures. Delft, The Netherlands. May, pp154-162.
- Loferski, J. R. and S. Kelley. 1995. A report on the status of restoration of the church of the transfiguration on Kizhi Island in Karalla, Russia. To the international committee of monuments and sites (icomos) and the Russian Ministry of Culture. March, pp 51.
- Loferski, J. R. and J. D. Dolan. 1995. Wood structures modern and historic. Development opportunities for wood products in Virginia. Virginia Board of Forestry. Pp 20-24.
- Lang, E. and J. R. Loferski. 1994. Modeling the behavior of composite sheathing under hygrothermal load. FPS Proc. Systems Approach to Wood Structures. Pp 82-87.
- Bond, B. H., J. R. Loferski, and J. Tissaoui. 1994. Long-term creep models for wood in compression and tension using the time-temperature superposition principle. Systems Approach to Wood Structures, FPS Proc. Wood Engineering Division. Pp 53-55,
- Bettinger, D. D., J. G. Tront, and J. R. Loferski. 1994. Microprocessor based system for the detection and characterization of acoustic emissions for materials testing. Proc. Int. Conf. In Ind. Elec. Control IEEE, pp 2364-2367,
- Loferski, J. R. 1994"condition assessment of wood timbers in lock no. 44 of the C&O Canal, Williamsport, Maryland. Report to national park service, historic preservation division. P 9, October.
- Loferski, J. R. 1994. Investigation of hardwood floor problems. Report to Popejoy Lumber Company, Roanoke, Virginia. P 5, March.
- Loferski, J. R. 1993. Evaluation of wood roof shingle performance under cyclic moisture changes. Report to Mount Vernon Architectural Conservators regarding preservation of George Washington’s Homeplace. Pp 60, July.
- Dolan, J. D. and J. R. Loferski. 1993. Effectiveness of treatment on drying characteristics of wood. Report to F. Ragan, Alberta, Canada. Pp 17, July.
- Loferski, J. R. 1993. Investigation of wood deterioration problems at the Robertson Windmill, Colonial Williamsburg. Report to architectural conservators, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA. Pp 17, August.
- Loferski, J. R., R. T. Platt, and F. E. Woeste. 1993. Final report on Timberex Testing. Report to Mobil Chemical Corp. Composites Products Division, pp 146, Sept.
- Bush, R. J. and J. R. Loferski. 1993. Design and evaluation of a potential wood deck refurbishing product. Final report to Southern Forest Products Association. October, pp 11.
- Lang, E. M. and J. R. Loferski. 1992. Preservation of archeological wood pipeline segments. Acta Facultatis Ligniensii, Soporon, Hungaria, Vol. 1, pp 63-70.
- Loferski, J. R. 1992. Investigation of wood window problems at library of congress. Report to architect of the capital of the USA and Huron Valley Glass Company. June. Pp 250.
- Lang, E. M., J. R. Loferski, and T. E. McLain. 1992. Performance of wood floor systems under fluctuating moisture changes, final report. Report to national oak flooring manufacturers association, July, pp 120.
- Tissoui, J., J. R. Loferski, S. M. Holzer, D. A. Dillard, and B. Bond. 1992. Long-term creep modeling for wood in compression and tension parallel to grain. Proc. ASME, Mechanics of Cellulosic Materials, Amd Vol. 145/md-vol. 36, pp 33-38, Nov.
- Loferski, J. R. 1991. Conservation of timber structures. Association for Preservation Technology International. Apt communiqué, Vol. Xx(4):p 8. November.
- Youngs, R. L. and J. R. Loferski. 1990. Acoustic emission to control checking in red oak. Eastern hardwood utilization advanced technology applications, Michigan State University, Ag. Exp. Sta. Report No. 3, pp 72-73.
- Gamalath, S., J. R. Loferski, S. M. Holzer, and D. A. Dillard. 1990. Creep modeling and analysis of wood columns and arches. Symp. on Mechanics of Wood and Paper Materials, Proc. Amer. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers.
- Stern, E. G. and J. R. Loferski. 1989. Assembly of wood-framed structures with helically threaded hardened steel nails and spikes. Proc. 2nd Pacific Intern. Conf. on wood engineering. Auckland, NZ. ISBN 086869-041-4, pp249-257.
- Holzer, S.M., C. Y. Huang, J. R. Loferski. 1989. Analysis glulam lattice domes. Proc. ASCE Structures Congress. San Francisco, CA. Pp 914-921.
- Davalos, J., J. R. Loferski, S. M. Holzer. 1988. Verification of a 3-d glulam beam finite element. Itani-editor, Proc. of 1988 Intern. Conf. on Timber Engineering, ISBN 0-935018-42-5, Seattle, WA, pp 194-204.
- Youngs, R. L., J. R. Loferski, C. Skaar. 1988. Determination of drying stresses in red oak as related to the onset of surface checking. Eastern Hardwoods Utilization Advanced Wood Processing. Michigan State University E. Lansing, MI. Ag. Exp. Stat. Report No. 1, pp 36-38.
- Holzer, S. M. and J. R. Loferski. 1987. Background for research on glulam lattice domes, building structures. D. R. Sherrman-Editor, Proc. of Structures Congress ’87, Structural Division, ASCE. ISBN 0-87262-612-2. Orlando, FL. Pp 305-318.
Development of Low-Grade Hardwood Cross-Laminated Timbers
Investigator(s): Dan Hindman, Joseph Loferski, Earl Kline, Brian Bond, and Henry Quesada-Pineda
Sponsor: Forest Products Research Program at USDA
Amount: $300,316
October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2015
Package Compression Testing
Investigator(s): Joseph Loferski
Sponsor: White & Company
Amount: $6,130.55
July 1, 2011 - August 1, 2011
Guardrail Post Testing
Investigator(s): Joseph Loferski
Sponsor: OMG
Amount: $16,589.06
July 1, 2011 - September 1, 2011
Technical Assistance Project
Investigator(s): Joseph Loferski
Sponsor: Eastman Chemical
Amount: $20,000
January 1, 2011 - June 30, 2011
Evaluation of the mechanical interactions of pallets and unit loads
Investigator(s): Marshall White and Joseph Loferski
Sponsor: PalletOne
Amount: $99,661
January 1, 2006 - January 1, 2007
Sustainable Engineered Materials from Renewable Resources: Design and Manufacture of High-Performance Composites
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp, Ulrika Egertsdotter, Thomas Fox, Charles Frazier, Daniel Hindman, Joseph Loferski, Philip Radtke, Scott Renneckar, Maren Roman, Robert Smith, Layne Watson, Shepard Zedaker
Sponsor: USDA/CSREES Special Research Grants
Amount: $646,954
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
Investigation of I-joist rienforcement
Investigator(s): Daniel Hindman and Joseph Loferski
Sponsor: Metwood Inc
Amount: $17,000
Optimizing Fastener Spacing in Multiple Bolt Wood Connections for Natural Hazard Loadings
Investigator(s): James Dolan and Joseph Loferski
Sponsor: USDA, CSREES, National Research Initiative
Amount: $140,000
12/02 to 1/05
Sustainable Engineered Materials Institute
Investigator(s): Fred Kamke, Shep Zedaker, Charles Frazier, Joseph Loferski, etal
Sponsor: USDA Special Grant
Amount: $600,000
Wood Based Composites Steering Committee
Investigator(s): Fred Kamke, Joseph Loferski, Audrey Zink-Sharp, Robert Smith
Sponsor: Industry Contributions
Amount: $200,000
Optimizing Fastener Spacing in Multiple Bolt Connections for Natural Hazard Loading"
Investigator(s): James Dolan and Joseph Loferski
Amount: $140,000
National Needs Fellowship in Wood-Based Composites Engineering
Investigator(s): Joseph Loferski, Fred Kamke, and Charles Frazier
Sponsor: USDA
Amount: $54,000
- Beagley, K., J. R. Loferski, D. P. Hindman, J. C. Bouldin. 2016. Predicting stiffness of CLT beams based on constituent lumber properties. Wood Design Focus 26(1):18-24.
- Loferski, J. R., J. C. Bouldin, D. P. Hindman. 2013. Development of a methodology for the visual inspection of engineered wood products and metal hangers in residential construction. Advanced Materials Research 778(342-349):.
- Bouldin, J. C., J. R. Loferski, D. P. Hindman. 2013. Inspection of I-joists in residential construction. Practical Periodical Structural Design and Construction 10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000208(04014016):.
- Bouldin, J. C., J. R. Loferski, D. P. Hindman. 2013. Inpection of metal plate connected wood trusses in residential construction. Practical Periodical Structural Design and Construction 19(2)(04014009):.
- Hindman, D. P., D. E. Finkenbinder, J. R. Loferski, P. Line. 2010. Strength of sawn lumber and wood composite dowel connections loaded perpendicular to grain II: Fracture mechanics. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 22(12):1226-1234.
- Hindman, D. P., D. E. Finkenbinder, J. R. Loferski, P. Line. 2010. Strength of sawn lumber and wood composite dowel connections loaded perpendicular to grain. 1: NDS design equations. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 22(12):1217-1225.
- Turner, M. A., R. H. Plaut, D. A. Dillard, J. R. Loferski, and R. A. Caudill. 2009. Tests of adhesives to augment nails in wind uplift resistance of roofs. Journal of Structural Engineering 135(1):88-93.
- Hindman, D. P. and J. R. Loferski. 2008. Cold-formed steel reinforcement for improperly cut wood i-joists. Practice Periodical of Structural Design and Construction 13(4):198-203.
- Espinoza, O. A., Bond, B. H. and J. R. Loferski. 2007. Equilibrium moisture content during storage, manufacturing, and shipping of Bolivian wood products. Forest Products Journal 57(6):81-87.
- Brown, N.R., J.R. Loferski and C.E. Frazier. 2007. Cross-linking poly(vinyl acetate-co-N-methylolacrylamide) latex adhesive performance Part II: Fracture mechanics and microscopic durability studies. Int. J. Adhesion & Adhesives 27(7):554-561.
- Goodell, B., J. Jellison, J. Loferski, and S. Quarles. 2007. Brown-rot Decay of ACQ and CA-B Treated Lumber. Forest Products Journal 57(6):31-33.
- Carradine, D. M., D. A. Bender, F. E. Woeste, and J. R. Loferski. 2007. Development of design capacities for residential deck ledger connections. Forest Products Journal 57(3):29-33.
- Carradine, D. M., D. A. Bender, J. R. Loferski, and F. E. Woeste. 2006. Residential deck ledger connection testing and design. Wood Design Focus 16(2):9-12.
- Loferski, J. R., D. Albright, and F. E. Woeste. 2006. Tested guardrail post connections for residential decks. Wood Design Focus 16(2):13-18.
- Loferski, J. R. and F. E. Woeste. 2006. Residential deck ledger connection testing and design. Wood Design Focus 16(2):9-12.
- Kochkin V. G. and J. R. Loferski. 2005. Modeling the nonlinear moment-rotation relationship of a nail plate connector. Wood and Fiber Science vol 37(3):514-520.
- Woeste, F. E., J. R. Loferski J.R. 2005. Minimum details and specifications for permitting residential decks. Building Safety Journal. April. pp 4-7.
- Loferski J. R., F. E. Woeste, D. Albright, R. A. Caudill. 2005. Strong rail-post connections for wooden decks. Journal of Light Construction. Vol. 23 no. 5. February. pp. 65-71.
- Carradine, D. M., D. A. Bender, J. R. Loferski and F. E. Woeste. 2005. Residential deck ledger design. ICC Building Safety Journal. 6(3):4-7.
- Carradine, D. M., F. E. Woeste, J.D. Dolan, and J. R. Loferski. 2004. Diaphragm behavior and design of laterally loaded timber frame and structural insulated panel buildings. Wood Design Focus 14(3):18-22.
- Loferski J. R., F. E. Woeste, R. A. Caudill, R. T. Platt. and Q. Smith. 2004. Load-tested deck ledger connections. Journal of Light Construction. Vol. 22 no. 6. March. pp. 71-78.
- Carradine D. M., F. E. Woeste, J. D. Dolan and J. R. Loferski. 2004. Utilizing diaphragm action for wind load design of timber frame and structural insulated panel buildings. Forest Products Journal. Vol. 54, No.5, pp73-80.
- Smart, J.V., F.E. Woeste and J.R. Loferski. 2003. Potential Thermal Degradation of Attic Framing and Wood Sheathing. ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction. Vol. 8(4):203-208.
- Anderson, C., Woeste, F.E. and Loferski, J.R.. 2003. Practical Engineering: Attaching Deck Ledgers. Journal of Light Construction pp 81-87.
- Anderson, C. A, J. R. Loferski, and F. E. Woeste. 2002. Detecting early wood decay. Building Standards, Vol. LXXI, No. 4, pp 6-8.
- Stelmokas J., A. G. Zink, and J. R. Loferski. 1997. Image correlation analysis of multiple bolted wood connections. Wood and Fiber Science. Vol. 29(3):210-227.
- Stelmokas, J., A. G. Zink, and J. R. Loferski. 1997. Measurement of load distribution among multiple bolted wood connections.” ASTM J. of Testing and Evaluation.
- Salenikovich, A. J. J. R. Loferski, A. G. Zink. 1996. Understanding the performance of timber connections made with multiple bolts. Wood Design Focus. Winter edition. pp19-26
- Bond, B. H., J. R. Loferski, J. Tissaoui, and S. M. Holzer. 1996. Development of tension and compression creep models for wood using the time-temperature superposition principal. Forest Products Journal Vol. 47(1) pp 8.
- Lenth, C. A., J. R. Loferski, F. E., Woeste, and L. M. Johnson. 1996. Comparing the bending stiffness of domestic and imported Pinus elliottii radius edge decking. Forest Products Journal Vol. 46(9):57-61.
- Lang, E. M. and J. R. Loferski. 1995. In-Plane hygroscopic expansion of plywood and oriented strand board. Forest Products Journal, Vol. 45(4):67-71.
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- Mackes, K. H., J. R. Loferski, and M. S. White. 1995. A pneumatic pressure bag testing machine for uniform loads. ASTM J of Testing & Evaluation. July.
- Lang, E. M., J. R. Loferski, J. D. Dolan. 1995. Hygroscopic deformation of wood-based composite panels. Forest Products Journal. Vol. 45, No. 3. pp 67-71, March.
- Lang, E. M., J. R. Loferski, T. E. McLain, C. M. Moore. 1994. Performance of wood floor systems under fluctuating moisture changes Forest Products Journal. 44(5):54-61. May.
- Skaggs, T. D. F. E. Woeste, J. D. Dolan, and J. R. Loferski. 1994. Safety factors for metal-plate-connected wood trusses: Theoretical design versus test specifications. Forest Products Journal, 44(9):11-18. September.
- Samarasinghe, S., J. R. Loferski, and S. M. Holzer. 1994. Long-term compression creep modeling of wood using time-temperature superposition principle. Wood and Fiber Science. Vol. 26(1):127-130.
- Loferski, J. R. 1993. Causes and prevention of wood deterioration in historic structures. Wood Design Focus: Contemporary Wood Engineering Vol. 3, No. 4, pp 12-17,
- Davalos, J. F., J. R. Loferski, S. M. Holzer, and V. Yadama. 1991. Transverse isotropy modeling of 3-D glulam timber. ASCE J. Materials in Civil Engineering. Vol. 3(2):125-139, May,
- Loferski, J. R. and T. E. McLain. 1991. Static and impact flexural properties of common wire nails. ASTM J. of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 19(4):297-304. July.
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- Woeste, F. E. and J. R. Loferski. 2012. Cracks above, finding fissures at gypsum panel ceiling joints. The Construction Specifier, May, pp. 94-103.
- Carradine, D. M., D. A. Bender, J. R. Loferski, and F. E. Woeste. 2008. Residential deck ledger connection testing and design. Structure May, pp. 53-56.
- Woeste, F. E. and J. R. Loferski. 2005. Minimum details and specifications for permitting residential decks. Building Safety Journal April, pp. 4-7.
- Loferski, J. R., F. E. Woeste, D. G. Albright, and R. A. Caudill. 2005. Strong rail-post connections for wooden decks. Journal of Light Construction 23(5):65-71.
- Loferski, Joseph R., Frank E. Woeste, Dustin G. Albright, and Rick A. Caudill. 2005. Load Tested Guardrail Post Connections. Professional Deck Builder 4(2):48-59.
- Carradine, David M., Donald A. Bender, Joseph R. Loferski, and Frank E. Woeste. 2005. Residential Deck Ledger Design. ICC Building Safety Journal. 6(3):4-7.
- Loferski, J.R., Woeste, F.E., et al. 2004. Load-Tested Deck Ledger Connections. Journal of Light Construction Vol. 22, No. 3. pp71-78.
- Loferski, J.R., Woeste, F.E., Billings, M.A. 2004. Deck Ledger Connection Design. Professional Deck Builder Magazine Vol. 3, No. 3. pp56-67.
- Loferski, J.R., Woeste, F.E., Caudill, R., Platt, T. and Smith, Q. 2004. Load-Tested Deck Ledger Connections. Journal of Light Construction Vol. 22. No. 6, pages 71-78.
- Woeste, F.E., Loferski, J.R. 2004. PPT Lumber: Know What You Are Buying. Professional Deck Builder Vol. 3, No. 6 pp10-14.
- Loferski, J.R., Woeste, F.E., and Billings, M.A. 2004. Deck Ledger Connection Design. Professional Deck Builder Magazine Vol. 3, No. 3, May/June pages 56-67.
- Carradine, D.M., Woeste, F.E., Dolan, J.D., Loferski, J.R. 2004. Utilizing Diaphragm Action for Wind Load Design of Timber Frame and Structural Insulated Panel Buildings. Forest Products Journal Vol. 54, No. 5, pages 73-80.