Audrey Zink-Sharp

230 Cheatham Hall (0323)
Blacksburg, VA
Dr. Zink-Sharp teaches undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education classes in sustainable biomaterial cell structure, properties, and processing. Her primary research emphasis is wood cell wall architecture and development of improved wood-based composites.
Areas of Expertise
- Quantitative Wood Anatomy
- Micro-Mechanics
- Video Microscopy for Strain Measurement
- Forest ecological disturbances and wood anatomy
- B.S. - Colorado State University, 1983
- M.S. - Colorado State University, 1986
- Ph.D. - State University of New York, 1992
Structure and Properties of Sustainable Biomaterials
2124 Fall 2022
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 47
Wood Materials Science
5124 Fall 2022
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 8
Structure and Properties of Sustainable Biomaterials
2124 Fall 2021
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 33
Wood Materials Science
5124 Fall 2021
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 11
Structure and Properties of Sustainable Biomaterials
2124 Fall 2020
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 37
Quantitative Wood Anatomy
5224 Spring 2020
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 1
Structure and Properties of Sustainable Biomaterials
2124 Fall 2019
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 50
Wood Materials Science
5124 Fall 2019
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 8
Quantitative Wood Anatomy
5224 Spring 2019
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 5
Structure and Properties of Sustainable Biomaterials
2124 Fall 2018
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 61
Wood Materials Science
5124 Fall 2018
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 7
Quantitative Wood Anatomy
5224 Spring 2018
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 2
Structure and Properties of Sustainable Biomaterials
2124 Fall 2017
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 72
Quantitative Wood Anatomy
5224 Spring 2017
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 6
Wood Materials Science
5124 Fall 2017
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp, Joseph Loferski, and Maren Roman
Number of Students: 7
Structure and Properties of Sustainable Biomaterials
2124 Fall 2016
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 72
Wood Materials Science
5124 Fall 2016
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp, Joseph Loferski, Maren Roman, and Barry Goodell
Number of Students: 3
Quantitative Wood Anatomy
5224 Spring 2016
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 5
Quantitative Wood Anatomy
5224 Spring 2015
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 1
Structure and Properties of Sustainable Biomaterials
2124 Fall 2015
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 64
Wood Materials Science
5124 Fall 2015
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp, Maren Roman, and Barry Goodell
Number of Students: 7
Structure and Properties of Sustainable Biomaterials
2124 Fall 2014
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 41
Quantitative Wood Anatomy
WOOD 5224 Spring 2013
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 5
Structure and Properties of Sustainable Biomaterials
2124 Fall 2013
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 36
Wood Materials Science
5124 Fall 2013
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp, Joseph Loferski, Scott Renneckar, and Maren Roman
Number of Students: 11
Quantitative Wood Anatomy
WOOD 5224 Spring 2012
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 5
Wood Materials Science
WOOD 5124 Spring 2012
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp, Course Coordinator and Instructor, taught 4 weeks. Additional instructors: Brian Bond, Bob Bush, Chip Frazier, Joe Loferski
Number of Students: 8
Wood Materials Science
SBIO 5124 Fall 2012
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp, Brian Bond, Bob Bush, Chip Frazier, Joe Loferski
Number of Students: 4
Quantitative Wood Anatomy
WOOD 5224 Spring 2011
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 4
Wood Structure and Properties
WOOD 2124 Fall 2011
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 36
Wood Structure and Properties
WOOD 2124 Fall 2010
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 31
Special Study: Quantitative Wood Anatomy
WOOD5984 Spring 2009
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 3
Wood Structure and Properties
WOOD2124 Fall 2008
Instructor: Dr. Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 18
Special Study: Fundamentals of Wood Material Science
WOOD 5984 Fall 2008
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp, Brian Bond, Robert Bush, Charles Frazier, Daniel Hindman
Number of Students: 5
Fundamentals of Wood Material Science
WOOD5984 Fall 2007
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp, course coordinator
Number of Students: 7
Fundamentals of Wood Materials Science
WOOD 5984 Fall 2007
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp (course coordinator), Charles Frazier, Joseph Loferski, and Robert Bush
Number of Students: 7
Wood Structure and Properties
WOOD 2124 Fall 2007
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 32
Advanced Structure and Chemistry of Wood
WOOD 5414 Fall 2006
Instructor: A. Zink-Sharp and W.G. Glasser
Number of Students: 12
Wood Structure and Properties
WOOD 2414 Fall 2006
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 26
Wood Structure, Properties, and Processing
WOOD 3114 Fall 2005
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 25
Advanced Structure and Chemistry of Wood
WOOD 5414 Fall 2005
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp and W.G. Glasser
Number of Students: 7
Wood Structure, Properties, and Processing
WOOD 3114 Fall 2004
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 13
Advanced Wood Chemistry and Structure
WOOD 5414 Fall 2004
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp and Wolgang Glasser
Number of Students: 8
Wood ID and Properties Lab
WOOD 3234 Spring 2004
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 9
Wood Structure, Properties and Processing
WOOD 3114 Spring 2004
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 35
Advanced Wood Chemistry and Structure
WOOD 5414 Fall 2003
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp and Wolfgang Glasser
Number of Students: 4
Wood ID and Properties Lab
WOOD 3234 Spring 2003
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 17
Wood Structure, Properties and Processing
WOOD 3114 Spring 2003
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp
Number of Students: 35
Advanced Wood Chemistry and Structures
WOOD 5414 Fall 2002
Instructor: Audrey Zink-Sharp and Wolfgang Glasser
Number of Students: 6
- Sara A. Cerv. Non-thesis Master. 2021. Increasing Awareness and Opportunities for Women and Minority Students in Sustainable Biomaterials Higher Education. Professor(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
- Cody J. Wykle. 2019. M.S. Adhesive Bonding of Low Moisture Hickory Veneer with Soy-based Adhesive. Professor(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
- Kyle. V. Mirabile. 2015. M.S. Investigating Differences in Douglas-fir and Southern Yellow Pine Bonding Properties. Professor(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
- Yu (Angela) Zhou. 2012. Ph.D. Investigation of the university's role in knowledge transformation: A process approach. Professor(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
- Kyle Mirabile. 2012. Undergraduate. Discovering the role of cell structure in adhesive bond strength and durability. Professor(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
- Richard Johnson. 2010. Ph.D. Tempo-Oxidized Nanocelluloses: Surface Modification and Use as Additives in Cellulosic Nanocomposites. Professor(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
- Inside Trees Remote learning modules -
- Zink-Sharp, Audrey and J. Davis. 2008. Wood in our Everyday Lives: A Wood Science Curriculum for fourteen to eighteen year olds. Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. Publication #388-809.
- Renneckar, S., A. Zink-Sharp, A. Esker, and W.G. Glasser. 2006. Novel Methods for Interfacial Modification of Cellulose Reinforced Composites. In: Cellulose Nanocomposites: Processing, Characterization, and Properties. K. Oksman and M. Sain, Eds. ACS Symposium Series. American Chemical Society. Washington, DC. 359 pps.
- Zink-Sharp, A. 2006. Wood Magic at Virginia Tech.
- Zink-Sharp, A. 2004. Wood Magic Program at Virginia Tech. Newsletter of the Virginia Forest Landowners Association, Richmond, VA.
- Zink-Sharp, A. and J. Bussey. 2004. Wood Magic. A Wood Science Curriculum for nine to eleven year olds. Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, Publication 388-807.
Zink-Sharp, A. 2004. Wood Formation and Properties. Chapter 37, Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. Jeff Burley, Julian Evans, and John Youngquist, editors, Academic Press, London, England. pgs. 1806-1815.
- Zink-Sharp, A. and J. Bussey. 2004. A wood science curriculum for nine to eleven years olds. Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. Publication 388-807.
- Zink-Sharp, Audrey and J. Bussey. 2004. Wood is a magical material: activity guide. Virginia Tech Department of Wood Science and Forest Products, Blacksburg, VA, 11 pgs.
- Zink-Sharp, Audrey. 2003. Mechanical Properties of Wood. Chapter 8, in "Wood Quality and Its Biological Basis". G. Jeronimidis and J.R. Barnett, editors, Blackwell Publishing, Oxfordshire, UK, pages 197-209.
- Zink-Sharp, A. 2003. Reviewed, edited, and contributed sections to two books for children: Wood and Paper. Published by Capstone Press, Mankato, Minnesota.
- Zink-Sharp, A. 2003. Mechanical Properties of Wood. Chapter in Wood Quality and its Biological Basis. G. Jeronimidis and J.R. Barnett, editors. Blackwell Publishing, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. pgs. 197-209.
- Zink-Sharp, Audrey. 2003. Wood magic programs at Virginia Tech highlight the magic in wood. Annual Report, Virginia Forestry Educational Foundation, Richmond, Virginia.
- Zink-Sharp, Audrey. 2003. Acquiring the professor frame of mind. Section in Training the Future Professoriate Handbook, Virginia Tech Graduate School .
- Zink-Sharp, Audrey and Christinia E. Pugh. 2003. One inch cube owners manual.
- Zink-Sharp, Audrey. 2003. Wood magic annual report. Virginia Tech Department of Wood Science and Forest Products, Blacksburg, VA, 23 pgs.
- Pugh, C. E. and A. Zink-Sharp. 2003. Wood Magic: An Instruction Manual.
- Zink-Sharp, Audrey. 2003. Wood magic program at Virginia Tech. Newsletter of the Virginia Forestry Landowners Association, Richmond, Virginia.
- Zink-Sharp, Audrey. 2003. SWST teaching units 1 and 2. Society of Wood Science and Technology, Madison, Wisconsin.
- Zink-Sharp, A. 2003. Interviewed for WTOB Channel 2 Kid Town program. July 29, 2003, program aired every Tuesday and Thursday, September 2003.
- Zink-Sharp, A. 2002. Wood Magic Highlights: An Educational Way to Highlight the Magic in Wood. CNR 2002 Outreach Bulletin.
- Uhrig, P., A. Zink-Sharp, G. Ifju, and A.L. Hammett. 2000. Public Perceptions of the Forest Products Industry in the United States. Wood-Based Composites Center Technical Bulletin, Blacksburg, VA .
- Zink-Sharp, A. 1999. Should or should we not speak up? Invited Editorial. Wood and Fiber Science. 31(1):1.
- Zink, A.G. 1997. Scanning System for % Wood Failure. Report to APA-The Engineered Wood Association, Tacoma, WA. 7 pgs.
- Pita, L.C. and A.G. Zink. 1996. TE-1996-002. The effect of anatomical structure and temperature on the failure mode, strength, and stiffness of red oak and sugar maple in tension perpendicular to the grain. Wood Science & Forest Products, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. 22 pgs.
- Zink, A.G. and S. Deutermann. 1996. TE-1996-003. Experimental mechanics techniques for wood and wood-based composites. Wood Science & Forest Products, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. 9 pgs. .
- Glasser, W.G. and A.G. Zink. 1996. Final Report on Cellulose and Cellulose Nitrate Characterization. BioBased Materials Report. Blacksburg, Virginia, 107 pgs.
- Stelmokas, J.W., A.G. Zink, and J.R. Loferski. 1995. TE-1995-001. The influence of wood anatomy on strength and stiffness of hard maple and red oak bolted connections. Wood Science & Forest Products, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia. 24 pgs.
- Glasser, W.G. and A.G. Zink. 1995. Interim Report on Cellulose and Cellulose Nitrate Characterization. AlliantTech Systems, Radford, Virginia. 80 pgs.
Closing the Curriculum Gap and Increasing the Academic Success of Transfer Students
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Amount: $150,000
Increasing awareness and opportunities for women and minority students in sustainable biomaterials education
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp and Robert Smith
Amount: $94,388
Learning plant anatomy in 3D
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: VPI&SU CNRE Instructional Support Fund
Amount: $4,000
Adhesion challenges with maple and hickory veneer at low moisture levels
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: VPI&SU WBC NSF I/UCRC grant
Amount: $79,675
September 2016 - August 2019
Understanding the differences in bonding characteristics of Douglas-fir and southern yellow pine wood
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp and Scott Renneckar
Sponsor: NSF I/UCRC Wood-based Composites Center
Amount: $35,300
January 8, 2014 - January 9, 2015
SEMRR: Developing Sustainable Bioenergy Feedstocks and Cellulosic Composites
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp, Project Director, Co-investigators: Carolyn Copenheaver, Kevin Edgar, Thomas Fox, Charles Frazier, Scott Renneckar, Maren Roman, and Shepard Zedaker
Sponsor: USDA NIFA Special Grant Program; extension granted
Amount: $451,374
April 14, 2010 - April 15, 2013
Seeing Inside Wood
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: VT CIDER
Amount: $2000.00
January 26, 2012 - January 1, 2013
Understanding the differences in bonding characteristics of Douglas-fir and southern yellow pine wood
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp and Scott Renneckar
Amount: 29,050.46
September 18, 2011 - May 1, 2013
SEMRR: Developing Sustainable Bioenergy Feedstocks and Cellulosic Composites
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp, Chad Bolding, Carolyn Copenheaver, Kevin Edgar, Thomas R. Fox, Charles Frazier, Scott Renneckar, Maren Roman, and Shepard Zedaker
Sponsor: USDA NIFA Special Grant Program
Amount: $451,374.00
April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2012
SEMRR: Creating Advanced Cellulosic Composites and Biobased Energy Feedstocks
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp, Kevin J. Edgar, Thomas Fox, Charles Frazier, Scott Renneckar, Maren Roman, and Shepard Zedaker
Sponsor: USDA CSREES Special Grants Program
Amount: $452,159
October 1, 2009 - September 31, 2011
Cellulose Analysis
Investigator(s): Renneckar, S.H.; Edgar, K.J.; Zink-Sharp, A
Sponsor: US Army
Amount: $80,000
January 1, 2008 - January 31, 2009
Wood Science Summer Camp at Virginia Tech
Investigator(s): Winistorfer, P.M. and Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: Virginia Forestry Educational Foundation
Amount: $2,500
June 11, 2009 - August 1, 2010
Wonders of Wood, Interactive computer program
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: Virginia Forestry Education Association
Amount: $2,800
January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008
SEMRR:Advanced Forest Management linked with Innovative, Bio-Based Composites
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp, Carolyn Copenheaver, Kevin J. Edgar, Thomas R. Fox, Charles E. Frazier, Scott H. Renneckar, Maren Roman, and Shepard Zedaker
Sponsor: USDA CSREES Special Research Grants Program
Amount: $481,515
September 1, 2008 - August, 31, 2010
SEMRR:Innovative Forest Management Linked with High Performance, Wood-Based Composites
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp, C. Copenheaver, K. Edgar, U. Egertsdotter, T. Fox, C. Frazier, S. Renneckar, M. Roman, and S. Zedaker
Sponsor: USDA CSREES McIntire-Stennis
Amount: $221,732
September 1, 2007 - August 31, 2008
Surface Modification of Cellulose-Based Fibers Using Steam Explosion and Admicellar Polymerization
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: USDA CSREES Hatch Program
Amount: $425,222
September 1, 2007 - August 31, 2008
Inside Wood, A Virtual Reality Model of a Wood Cube
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: Thomas M. Brooks endowment
Amount: $3,500
January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2006
Wood Magic
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: Virginia Forestry Education Foundation
Amount: $2,800
January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2006
Wood Magic
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: Virginia Forest Products Association
Amount: $5,000
January 1, 2006 - June 1, 2006
Sustainable Engineered Materials from Renewable Resources: Design and Manufacture of High-Performance Composites
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp, Ulrika Egertsdotter, Thomas R. Fox, Charles E. Frazier, Daniel P. Hindman, Joseph R. Loferski, Philip J. Radtke, Scott Renneckar, Maren Roman, Robert L. Smith, Layne T. Watson, Shepard M. Zedaker
Sponsor: USDA/CSREES Special Research Grants
Amount: $646,954
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
Wood Identification Workshop
Investigator(s): A. Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: USDA Forest Service
Amount: $9,400
January 1, 2005 - January 1, 2007
Sustainable Engineered Materials from Renewable Resources: Processing and Characterization
Investigator(s): A. Zink-Sharp, U. Egertsdotter, T.R. Fox, C.E. Frazier, T.V. Gallagher, D.P. Hindman, F.A. Kamke, J.R. Loferski, S.P. Prisley, P.J. Radtke, M. Roman, R.L. Smith, L.T. Watson, and S.M. Zedaker
Sponsor: USDA CSREES Special Grant
Amount: $563,001
July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006
Wood Magic at Virginia Tech
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: Virginia Forestry Education Foundation
Amount: $2,400
May 2005 - April 2006
Wood Identification Workshop
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: USDA Forest Service Wood Education and Resource Center
Amount: $9,000
June 2005 - June 2006
International Travel Supplemental Grant
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: Virginia Tech Research Division
Amount: $1,000
November 1, 2005 - November 30, 2005
Wood Magic at Virginia Tech
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: Virginia Forestry Education Foundation
Amount: $2,400
May, 2004
International Travel Supplemental Grant
Investigator(s): Zink-Sharp, Audrey
Sponsor: International Travel Supplemental Grant
Amount: $1000
September 2004
Wood Magic at Virginia Tech
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: Virginia Forest Products Association
Amount: $10,000
January, 2004
3-D Wood Micrographic Library
Investigator(s): Zink-Sharp, Audrey
Sponsor: Department of Wood Science and Forest Products
Amount: $3500
Award for Outreach Excellence
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: College of Natural Resources, Virginia Tech
Amount: $500
June, 2004
Fibers for wood composites by steam explosion
Investigator(s): Wolfgang Glasser and Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: University of Tennessee
Amount: $10,000
Wood Magic at Virginia Tech
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: Virginia Forestry Educational Foundation
Amount: $2,550
September, 2003
Wood Magic at Virginia Tech
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: Various trade associations, industry, agency, and private donors.
Amount: $12,500
Semi-Sustainable Engineering Materials Institute
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: College of Natural Resources grant to purchase a micro-testing system
Amount: $22,000
Bringing the Magic of Wood to Your Community
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: USDA Forest Service Wood Education and Resource Center
Amount: $13,700
7/02 to 8/03
Re-Engineering the Wood Cell Wall
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp and R. B. Hanna
Amount: $140,000
9/1/03 to 8/31/05
Engineering the Wood Fiber-Plastic Interface by Steam Explosion
Investigator(s): Wolfgang Glasser, Robert Wright and Audrey Zink-Sharp
Amount: $150,000
11/01/01 to 10/31/04
Eastman Chemical Fellowship
Investigator(s): Audrey Zink-Sharp and Wolfgang Glasser
Sponsor: Eastman Chemical
Amount: $20,000
8/10/02 to 8/9/03
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood
Investigator(s): VT Ag. Experiment Station
Sponsor: A. Zink-Sharp
Amount: $60,300
January 1, 1998 - January 1, 2004
Stereoscopic Video Microscopy in Wood Science
Investigator(s): A.G. Zink
Sponsor: CEUT, Va Tech
Amount: $3,850
January 1, 1997 - January 1, 1998
Moisture Distribution and Flow during Drying of Wood and Fiber
Investigator(s): A. Zink-Sharp and R.B. Hanna
Sponsor: U.S. Dept. of Energy and Industrial contributions specific to this project
Amount: $ 520, 663
January 1, 1997 - January 1, 2000
Wood Pulp and Nitrocellulose Characterization
Investigator(s): W.G. Glasser and A.G. Zink
Sponsor: Alliant Tech Systems
Amount: $30,000
January 1, 1995 - January 1, 1996
Percent Wood Failure in Plywood Shear Specimens
Investigator(s): A.G. Zink
Sponsor: APA Engineered Wood Research Foundation
Amount: $15,000
January 1, 1995 - January 1, 1996
Field Evaluation of Wood Connections
Investigator(s): A.G. Zink
Sponsor: Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Amount: $10,000
January 1, 1994 - January 1, 1996
Measurement of Drying Stress in Red Oak Lumber
Investigator(s): USDA NRICGP
Sponsor: A.G. Zink and R. L. Youngs
Amount: $72,000
January 1, 1994 - January 1, 1997
Experimental Stress Analysis of Structural Connections
Investigator(s): A. Zink-Sharp
Sponsor: VT Ag. Experiment Station
Amount: $44,506
January 1, 1994 - January 1, 1999
Effect of Design Parameters on Load Transfer in Multiple-Bolted Connections
Investigator(s): A.G. Zink and J. R. Loferski
Amount: $65,000
January 1, 1993 - January 1, 1994
Experimental Stress Analysis Techniques for Wood
Investigator(s): A.G. Zink
Sponsor: Va Tech Research Division
Amount: $5,000
January 1, 1993 - January 1, 1995
Video-Microscopy Assisted Learning in Wood Science
Investigator(s): A.G. Zink
Sponsor: Learning Resources Center, Va Tech
Amount: $4,305
January 1, 1993 - January 1, 1994
- Masoumi, A., E. Satir, S. Adhikari, D. Hindman, B. Bond, and A.Zink-Sharp. 2024. A comparison of microscopy and quality control testing to examine the durability of adhesive bondlines in cross-laminated timber. Journal of Building Engineering 86 (2024) 108958
- Wykle, C.J. and A. Zink-Sharp. 2023. Soy-flour adhesive bonding of low moisture content wood veneer. Forest Products Journal 73(1):13-23.
- Cerv, S.A. and A. Zink-Sharp. 2022. Inside trees: Summer camp and remote learning for increasing awareness and enrollment in bio-based materials degree programs. Forest Products Journal. 72 (3): 190–197. doi:
- Mirabile, K. and A. Zink-Sharp. 2017. Fundamental bonding properties of Douglas-fir and southern yellow pine wood. Forest Products Journal 67(7/8): 435-447.
- Walker, D.M., C.A. Copenheaver, and A. Zink-Sharp. 2014. Radial growth changes following hemlock wooly adelgid infestation of eastern hemlock. Annals of Forest Science 71(2014):595-602.
- Kidd, K.R., C.A. Copenheaver, and A. Zink-Sharp. 2014. Frequency and factors of earlywood frost-ring formation in jack pine (Pinus banksiana) across northern lower Michigan. EcoScience, Vol. 21, No. 2 (2014), pp. 157-167.
- Jeong, G.Y. and A. Zink-Sharp. 2013. Anatomical variability within a loblolly pine tree under thinning management. Wood and Fiber Science. 45(1):119-122.
- Jeong, G.Y. and A. Zink-Sharp. 2012. Impact of fertilization on within-tree variability in young loblolly pine. Wood and Fiber Science. 44(3):334-337.
- Nicoli, E., Dillard, D.A., Frazier, C.E, Zink-Sharp, A. 2012. Characterization of mixed-mode I/II fracture properties of adhesively bonded yellow-poplar by a dual actuator test frame instrument. Holzforschung 66:623-631.
- Velez-Garcia, G.M., P. Wapperom, V. Kunc, D.G. Baird and A. Zink-Sharp. 2012. Sample preparation and image acquisition using optical-reflective microscopy in the measurement of fiber orientation in thermoplastic composites. Journal of Microscopy. 248(1):23-33.
- B.J. Hook, C.A. Copenheaver, A. Zink-Sharp. 2011. Compression Wood Formation in Pinus strobus L. Following Ice Storm Damage in Southwestern Virginia, USA. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 138(1):52-61.
- Johnson, R.K., A. Zink-Sharp, and W.G. Glasser. 2011. Preparation and characterization of hydrophobic derivatives of TEMPO-oxidized nanocelluloses. Cellulose 2011(18):1599-1609.
- Jeong, G. Y., D. P. Hindman, and A. Zink-Sharp. 2010. Orthotropic properties of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) strands. Journal of Materials Science 45(21):5820-5830.
- Mettanurak, T. A. Zink-Sharp, C. A. Copenheaver, and S.M. Zedaker. 2010. Effect of growth suppression and release on strength and specific gravity of yellow-poplar. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40(2010):1661-1670.
- Jeong, G. Y., A. Zink-Sharp, and D. P. Hindman. 2010. Applying digital image correlation to wood strands: influence of loading rate and thickness. Holzforschung 64(6):729-734.
- Jeong, G. Y., A. Zink-Sharp, and D. P. Hindman. 2009. Tensile Properties of Earlywood and Latewood from Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) Using Digital Image Correlation. Wood and Fiber Science 41(1):51-63.
- Johnson, R.K., A. Zink-Sharp, S.Renneckar, and W.G. Glasser. 2009. A new bio-based nanocomposite: Fibrillated TEMPO-oxidized celluloses in hydroxypropylcellulose matrix. Cellulose 16(2):227-238.
- Jeong, G.Y., A. Zink-Sharp, and D.P. Hindman. 2009. Tensile properties of earlywood and latewood from loblolly pine using digital image correlation. Wood and Fiber Science 41(1):51-63.
- Johnson, R.K., A. Zink-Sharp, S.H. Renneckar, W.G. G lasser. 2008. Mechanical properties of wetlaid lyocell and hybrid fiber-reinforced composites with polypropylene. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 39(3) 470-477.
- Renneckar, Scott, Audrey Zink-Sharp, and Wolfgang Glasser. 2007. Fiber modification by steam-explosion: Microscopic analysis of co-refined wood and polypropylene. IAWA Journal 28(1):13-27.
- Zink-Sharp, A. and C. Price. 2006. Intra-ring compression strength of low density hardwoods. Maderas: Ciencia y Tecnologia (Wood Science and Technology) 8(2):.
- Jennings, J.D., A. Zink-Sharp, C.E. Frazier, F.A. Kamke. 2006. Properties of compression densified wood. Part 2: Surface Energy. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 20(4)335-344.
- Renneckar, S., Zink-Sharp, A.G., and Glasser, W.G. 2006. Fiber surface modification by steam-explosion: Sorption studies with co-refined wood and polyolefins. Wood and Fiber Science 38(3):427-438.
- Zink-Sharp, A. and C. Price. 2006. Compression strength parallel to the grain within growth rings of low density hardwoods. Maderas: Ciencia y Tecnologia 8(2):117-126.
- Jennings, J.E., A. Zink-Sharp, F.A. Kamke, C.E. Frazier. 2005. Properties of compression densified wood. Part 1: Bond performance. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 19(13-14):1249-1261.
- Gu, H. M. and A. Zink-Sharp. 2005. Geometric model for softwood transverse thermal conductivity. Wood and Fiber Science 37(4):699-711.
- Renneckar, S., Johnson, R.K., Zink-Sharp, A., Sun, N., and Glasser, W.G. 2005. 13C NMR and dynamic mechanical analysis of co-refined wood and polypropylene. Composite Interfaces 12(6):559-580.
- Deomano, E. and A. Zink-Sharp. 2005. Effect of species, cutting direction, dimensions, and temperature on flake drying. Forest Products Journal 55(9):31-36.
- Renneckar, S., Johnson, R. K., Zink-Sharp, A.G., and Glasser, W.G. 2005. Fiber modification by steam-explosion: 13C NMR and dynamic mechanical analysis studies of co-refined wood and polypropylene. Composite Interfaces 12(6):559-580.
- Renneckar, S., Zink-Sharp, A.G., Ward, T.C. and Glasser, W.G. 2004. Compositional Analysis of Thermoplastic Wood Composites by TGA. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 93(3):1484-1492.
- Deomano, E. and A. Zink-Sharp. 2004. Bending properties of wood flakes of three southern species. Wood and Fiber Science 36(4):493-499.
- Renneckar, S., A. Zink-Sharp, T. C. Ward, and W. G. Glasser. 2004. Compositional analysis of thermoplastic wood composites by TGA. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 93(3):1484-92.
- Pugh, C.E., B.B. Lockee, and A. Zink-Sharp. 2003. Instructional design model for a distance education program. Forest Products Journal 53(9):6-14.
- Gu, H.-M., J. Sell, and A. Zink-Sharp. 2001. Role of cell wall structure on transverse differential shrinkage of wood. Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff 59(6):436-442.
- Via, B. K., A. Zink-Sharp, F. E. Woeste and J. D. Dolan. 2001. Influence of specific gravity on embedment gaps in metal-plate-connected truss joints. Forest Products Journal 51(10):88-92.
- Via, B.V., A. Zink-Sharp, F.E. Woeste, and J.D. Dolan. 2001. Influence of embedment gap on metal plate truss connections. Forest Products Journal 51(10):88-92.
- Via, B.V., A. Zink-Sharp, F.E. Woeste, and J.D. Dolan. 1999. Relationship between tooth withdrawal strength and specific gravity. Forest Products Journal 49(7/8):56-63.
- Zink-Sharp, A., J.W. Stelmokas, and H.-M. Gu. 1999. Effects of wood anatomy on the mechanical behavior of single bolted connections. Wood and Fiber Science 31(3):249-263.
- Gu, H.-M. and A. Zink-Sharp. 1999. Measurement of moisture gradients in wood. Forest Products Journal 49(4):77-86.
- Zink, A.G. 1998. Elements of a successful undergraduate student recruiting program. Women in Natural Resources 19(3):9-11.
- Zink, A.G. and E. Kartunova. 1998. Wood failure in plywood shear samples measured with image analysis. Forest Products Journal 48(4):69-74.
- Zink, A.G. 1997. Elements of a successful undergraduate student recruiting program. Wood and Fiber Science 29(2):142-147.
- Zink, A.G., R.B. Hanna, and J.W. Stelmokas. 1997. Measurement of Poisson's ratios for yellow-poplar. Forest Products Journal 47(3):78-80.
- Stelmokas, J.W., A.G. Zink, and J.L. Loferski. 1997. Image correlation analysis of multiple-bolted wood connections. Wood and Fiber Science 29(3):210-227.
- Stelmokas, J.W., A.G. Zink, J.L. Loferski, and J.D. Dolan. 1997. Measurement of load distribution among multiple-bolted wood connections. Journal of Testing and Evaluation 25(5):510-515.
- Zink, A.G., R.W. Davidson, and R.B. Hanna. 1997. Effect of composite structure on strain and failure of laminar and wafer composites. Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures 4(4):345-359.
- Salenikovich, A.J., J.R. Loferski, and A.G. Zink. 1996. Understanding the performance of laterally loaded wood connections assembled with multiple bolts. Wood Design Focus 7(4):19-26.
- Zink, A.G., R.W. Davidson, and R.B. Hanna. 1996. Experimental measurement of the strain distribution in double overlap wood adhesive joints. Journal of Adhesion 56(1996):27-43.
- Zink, A.G., R.W. Davidson, and R.B. Hanna. 1996. The influence of overlap length on adhesive joint strength. Wood and Fiber Science 28(1):62-73.
- Zink, A.G., R.W. Davidson, and R.B. Hanna. 1996. Finite element modeling of bonded wood connections. Journal of Adhesion 56(1996):217-228.
- Zink, A.G., R.W. Davidson, and R.B. Hanna. 1995. Strain measurement in wood using a digital image correlation technique. Wood and Fiber Science 27(4):346-359.
- Zink, A.G., P.J. Pellicane, and R.A. Anthony. 1995. A stress transformation approach to predicting the failure mode of wood. Wood Science and Technology 30(1995):21-30.
- Zink, A.G., P.J. Pellicane, and C.E. Shuler. 1994. Ultrastructural analysis of softwood fracture surfaces. Wood Science and Technology 28(1994):239-338.
Zink-Sharp, A. G. 2004. Wood Magic at Virginia Tech. Hardwood Floors, January.